The Official WoW Summary Thread

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The Official WoW Summary Thread

Post by Danielle »

1. STORY SUMMARY by sparkybennett
2. CHARACTERS by sparkybennett
4. LINK INDEX by deagol

"Will and Abel may be part of or investigating some kind of crazy cult. They were working on some project in or near Savannah, Georgia, oh and Will was there with someone named Bell, who I suspect is a female. But that project failed somehow, something went terribly wrong and Will quickly took off. I think he may have witnessed the outcome of a mass murder or suicide (video of people lying next to each other) or maybe that was part of his dreams (see below for his back-story, and he asks how you can get dreams into a video). Either way, he's paranoid and maybe drinking a bit too much to calm himself. He sounds pissed at Abel.

Mr. Gone may work against him and Abel. There's this back history about Will that Gone has been researching, something about a ritual in which 6 people were found dead and 14-year-old Will ended up in a coma for 7 years. Then at 21 he suddenly vanishes from the hospital. Gone says he feels somewhat responsible for Will's "dreams." So it looks like Gone is tracking Will. Now, Gone found Will's seal with occult inscriptions in John Dee's style, which he had left in the astronomical clock thing in one of Savannah's famous squares. He's offering to give it back to Will, but I think he just wants to lure him into a trap. I'm sure Will is aware of the danger.

There's a lot of mention and imagery of occult and conspiracy theory-like stuff, from John Dee, Francis Bacon, Rosicrucianism, and Blake, to the Georgia guidestones, the NWO, occult music, astronomy, the star Sirius, "Les Invisibles" (whatever that is), and who knows what else that I'm sure went over my head. One crazy idea is that Will might have actually died and he's a ghost or a spirit. The folk tales of will-o'-the-wisp also suggest something like this.

There was that old affair with Gone and Katherine a while back, but Katherine seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. Perhaps Gone took care of her or maybe she went under cover with her brother. Or maybe that's unrelated, although Gone seemed quite involved. Will also said that he knew her but she might not remember him. " (as written by Deagol)

And there is someone on YouTube calling themselves Vertumnalia trying to communicate with Will. One of Will's videos had the name Vertumnalia coded in it.

Will(Sean) lost a "seal" and a memory card to Mr. Gone, who continues to taunt him. The memory card contains memories of his past.

Will decides to make a clean break from Abel. Via code he lets us know that the "seal" that Mr Gone stole was a fake.

Mr. Gone is now threatening Bell (Vertumnalia) to draw Will out for punishment.

Will (Sean) is aware that Bell is in danger, and is rushing to save her.
Mr Gone held Bell captive, He wants the real seal , not the fake. He "took a souvenier" by cutting off her finger. Will(Sean) attacked back, taking Bell and blowing up Mr Gone's lair.

Will left Bell behind and messaged Abel to come and get her. He says that she is Abel's responsibility. We learn that Bell was orphaned at the age of 8 and has been raised by Abel ever since.

Bell goes back to the commune that Abel leads. Abel holds her prisoner, locking her in her room, she is allowed out for certain chores and for a ritual called the "medicine wheel" which may help her heal, but she dreads going to it. Abel says that Bell must be punished because she knows more about the "seal" than she is telling him. he keeps questioning her about it.

Bell and Abel have a trip planned for August; it seems to be to the guidestones, for "religious purposes" and Sean is supposed to be there.

Mr Gone is lying low for the time being.
Will blogs a poem with a Morse message "Call tybee line" ,

Bell posts that Sean wants her to call him, but she has no access to a phone. So Sean makes a video message to Bell telling her to Kill Abel.

Bell is torn between the man she loves and the man who is like a father to her.

She posts that she is going to do as Sean asks, but will have to take her own life to do so.

Mr Gone posted a video revealing that Sean was a hit man, and that his dreams were reality.

Mr Gone has popped up again, producing a video asking a favour of someone named Kris . Kris is a character from London Files.

We have not figured out what Mr Gone is asking of him yet, but it is connected with Waterhouse's grave at Kensal Green Cemetery in London.

Sean also appeared in London Files video 011 labelled as "the hitman"

"haven't heard from you for a while, will-o.
you're back in the game
was i told. "

It appears that Londonfiles and WoW are merging..

Mr Gone posts a video, he witnessed Bell at the medicine wheel. She is unconscious. Abel has disappeared.

Sean claims to have no recollection of making the video with the message for Bell to Kill Abel.
He has Bell in his care, she is "sleeping".

Will-o-Wisp or Sean
Trying to find out who he is and what has happened to him the past 7 years

Will's dog

Lies to Will, Will is angry at him, may have the answers to Will's questions

Bell or Vertumnalia
Will's friend who did not want him to leave

Storm Genie or Mr Gone
Trying to find Will? Friend or foe (probably foe!) aka Moist Green

This is a chronological summary of puzzles and solutions for the Will-O-Wisp (WoW) fanfic ARG-like story. Solves are hidden in white font to avoid spoiling for those who want to try the puzzles for themselves. I will try to keep it updated. Please PM me with anything that's missing.

Will's MySpace blog:
Monday, June 11, 2007 4:01 PM

eggs are good but Bacon is better. find it where the GARLIC SITS.
Solved by sparkybennett:
Will-O-Wisp - 31
Date: 2007-06-11, 3:50PM EDT



Will's MySpace blog:
Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:17 PM
an answer to a question

Before i can
Answer your question
And give to you
Brilliant replies
Breakfast is in the making

Bacon is
All that fries

As questions
All have



Answers like mine
Are forthcoming
Because questions
Asked much too soon

A trick i know, to use that key
Be gentle, i implore.
they say
All good things come in three
Believe me, today they come in four
Solved by sparkybennett:
Acrostic spells out Bacon cipher key:

sparky's comment:
Are my
Breakfast of choice, well
Another time then
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
Are worth waiting for
Bon Appetite!

i luvya sparky :)

Will's MySpace video: Green Goddess
Added: June 13, 2007 07:31PM
Tags: Astronomy, August, Dog, Fairy, Mozart, Star, Thujone, Trust, Wormwood
Description: "After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world." ~Oscar Wilde

Solved by sparkybennett:
Capitalized A's and B's create Bacon cipher key:


Will's MySpace blog:
Thursday, June 14, 2007 2:37 PM

Cum vero in vastos surget Nemeaeus hiatus,
exoritur candens latratque Canicula flammas
et ra-it igne suo gemin-tque incendi- solis.
qua su-dente f-cem terris radiosque vomente
divinat cineres or-es f-tumque supremum
sortitur, l-nguetque suis Neptunus in undis,
et viridis nemori sanguis decedit et her-is.
cuncta peregrinos or-es animalia quaerunt
atque eget alterius mundus; natura suismet
aegrotat mor-is nimios obsess- per -estus
inque rogo vivit: t-ntus per sider- fervor
funditur atque uno cessant in lumine cuncta.
haec u-i se ponto per prim-s extulit or-s,
nascentem quam nec pelagi restinxerit unda,
effrenos animos violentaque pectora finget
irarumque da-it fluctus odiumque metumque
totius vulgi. pr-ecurrunt verb- loquentis,
ante os est animus nec magnis concita causis
corda micant et lingua ra-it l-tratque loquendo,
morsi-us et crebris dentes in voce relinquit.
-rdescit vino vitium, viresque ministrat
B-cchus et in fl-mmam saevas exsuscitat iras.
nec silvas rupesque timent vastosque leones
aut spumantis apri dentes atque arma ferarum,
effunduntque suas concesso in corpore flammas.
ne talis mirere artes su- sidere t-li,
cernis ut ipsum eti-m sidus venetur in astris;
praegressum quaerit Leporem comprendere cursu.
Solved by deagol:

Cum vero in vastos surget Nemeaeus hiatus,
exoritur candens latratque Canicula flammas
et rabit igne suo geminatque incendia solis.
qua subdente facem terris radiosque vomente
divinat cineres orbes fatumque supremum 210
sortitur, languetque suis Neptunus in undis,
et viridis nemori sanguis decedit et herbis.
cuncta peregrinos orbes animalia quaerunt
atque eget alterius mundus; natura suismet
aegrotat morbis nimios obsessa per aestus 215
inque rogo vivit: tantus per sidera fervor
funditur atque uno cessant in lumine cuncta.
haec ubi se ponto per primas extulit oras,
nascentem quam nec pelagi restinxerit unda,
effrenos animos violentaque pectora finget 220
irarumque dabit fluctus odiumque metumque
totius vulgi. praecurrunt verba loquentis,
ante os est animus nec magnis concita causis
corda micant et lingua rabit latratque loquendo,
morsibus et crebris dentes in voce relinquit. 225
ardescit vino vitium, viresque ministrat
Bacchus et in flammam saevas exsuscitat iras.
nec silvas rupesque timent vastosque leones
aut spumantis apri dentes atque arma ferarum,
effunduntque suas concesso in corpore flammas. 230
ne talis mirere artes sub sidere tali,
cernis ut ipsum etiam sidus venetur in astris;
praegressum quaerit Leporem comprendere cursu.

Missing letters are a Bacon cipher key:
baababaabbbaaaabaabaababaaabaa = TURTLE

Will's MySpace video: Life for Life
Added: June 15, 2007 10:52AM
Tags: Abel, Astronomy, Eve, Ghost, Invisibles, Star, tslmonrudmr, Turtles
Description: Along the world axis The Empress lay sleeping- To the rhyme of the star clock. Seven sleepers- Seven sages. Seven ladders to the Seventh heaven. Seven stars- Had Ursa Major. Tables turning And rain maker. While the seven visitors- All went A drumming. Dance a Don Pedro. Do the Don Pedro Games after death- Night dances 'round- Samedi and Petre. In Alchemy Salute the Four Quarters. Before I leave your eyes. Twinned in the mirror. Les Mesteres come End me adoration Before I leave your eyes World in the mirror Waters of amnesia come Do you know The court of Eve Beneath the Polar Mountain Rose cross and crosser there Symbols of the swan Aerial races In rotation over The magical casement Visions of a parallel world

Solved by HenrySugar:
Along the world axis
The Empress lay sleeping-
To the rhyme of the star clock.
Seven sleepers-
Seven sages.
Seven ladders to the
Seventh heaven.
Seven stars-
Had Ursa Major.
Tables turning
And rain maker.
While the seven visitors-
All went
A drumming.
Dance a Don Pedro.
Do the Don Pedro
Games after death-
Night dances 'round-
Samedi and Petre.
In Alchemy
Salute the Four Quarters.
Before I leave your eyes.
Twinned in the mirror.
Les Mesteres come
End me adoration
Before I leave your eyes
World in the mirror
Waters of amnesia come
Do you know
The court of Eve
Beneath the Polar Mountain
Rose cross and crosser there
Symbols of the swan
Aerial races
In rotation over
The magical casement
Visions of a parallel world

Punctuation is morse code (lines without punctuation are spaces).
-.-. .-. .- .. --. ...
Found by sparkybennett:
You have to know where to look and what to search for.

In my haste to leave, I may have misplaced a seal in or around the downtown savannah area.
I'm an idiot.
If found, please contact me-

* Location: turtles

Will's MySpace blog:
Sunday, June 17, 2007 4:56 AM
A Puzzling Dilemma

I got a weird email the other day from someone calling him/herself 'dpthrt1596.'

It contained a word: tslmonrudmr. Not really a word, but a seemingly random arrangement of letters, right?

Anyway, this person said the 'key' was in my last blog [ed:vlog] and that I could find the answer in my own writing.

Answer to what? I ask. What could this person possibly know that is worth the effort to inflict headaches on this poor old brain of mine?

Why do people always have to be so mysterious? Just give it to me straight, I can take it.

I know, I know. What a thing for me to say...but I only do what I have to do because I have to do it.

For one thing, I'm terribly paranoid. Which is why this email worries me as it does.

I tried throwing that 'word' into my tagline to see if anyone found it familiar, but so far, these folks are just as stumped as I am.

As much as I love a good brain freeze, I don't really have time to think about it right now. If anybody cares to make sense of it all feel free to drop me a line.

Thanks ~ Sean
Solved by sparkybennett:
Vigenere cipher leads to YouTube profile.
ciphertext: tslmonrudmr
key: vertumnalia
plaintext: youtubeuser

YouTube profile:

Vertumnalia's YouTube video: My Madrigal
Added: June 14, 2007
Tags: Astronomy Agent Will Abel Wisp Gone Telescope Summer Roman Maestro Page Turtles Vertumnus Nobodaddy Invisibles Bell
Description: dGhlIGRpZSBpcyBjYXN0IGkgc2VlIHRyYXZlbHMg aW4geW91ciBmdXR1cmUgb2ggYWdlbnQgbGVz

Solved by sparkybennett:
Decode the description from base 64 to ASCII.
"the die is cast i see travels in your future oh agent les invisibles"

YouTube profile:

Solved by deagol:

Will's MySpace video: Four Legs In The Morning
Added: June 19, 2007 10:42AM
Tags: Distress, Hang, Martyrdom, Pinocchio, St.Sebastian, Vertumnalia, Words
Description: 'We shall never understand each other until we reduce the language to seven words' ~ Kahlil Gibran

Solved by sparkybennett:
Look for the seven words in single quotes:
'the Seal he found is not real'


StormGenie's YouTube video: Hear ye! Hear Ye!
Added: June 21, 2007
Tags: Alchemy Seal Bosch Trial Guilty Ultimatum Judge Court Pig Wisp
Description: Happy Solstice, boys & girls. Welcome to the longest day of the year.

Solved by HenrySugar:
In the video, the phrase "fry you like a stripped pig" and the tag 'Pig' suggests bacon, hence, a bacon cipher. But this time he did use it as a steganographic technique. Look at the 24 images between 1:14 and 2:25, making A=b&w sketches and B=color images (the troll is every five images to mark the encoding of one letter).

ABABB (troll break)
AABAA (troll break)
AABAA (troll break)
BAABA (troll break)

then an image of a cemetery with the caption "XII"

We think it says "meet me at the cemetery at 12"

StormGenie's YouTube video: She's So Pretty...
Added: June 22, 2007
Tags: Dream Date Meet Marlett Alice Riley Rose CRC Crybaby Blues
Description: "Into our town the hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame- And he paced our bricks with a diffident air And built his frame in the courthouse square."

Solved by deagol:
The last image in the video looks like a modified pigpen cipher alphabet table. The pigpen key to making this table is:

Code: Select all

AB| CD |EF  \   U   /
--+----+--    \   /
--+----+--    /   \
OP| QR |ST  /  Y Z  \

Will's MySpace blog:
Sunday, June 24, 2007 1:42 PM
I found something today

After seeing Gone's last video, I decided that the place he wanted to meet was none other than the old 'courthouse square' Wright Square. This place once had a gallows and many people died there. It seemed to fir Gone's plans.

Neither he or Bell were there though. After searching around a bit I came across an old dream journal. The handwriting is certainly mine but the dreams are dated at a time I can't recall. I don't remember writing any of this, but there it is in black and white. The journal will take some time to read, but a more pressing matter concerns the note he left for me.

I recognize the alphabet but there are some inconsistancies that I can't sort out.

I hope I have enough time to work it through. Bell's life may depend on my quickness in deciphering this note.

I've posted the note here in case someone out there can do it quicker than me.

Here's hoping...

Solved by sparkybennett:


The dashes are in place of AB (baconian) code:


Will's MySpace blog:
Friday, July 06, 2007 3:36 AM
A Dream Within A Dream.

"Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow:

-.-. .- .-.. .-..

You are not wrong who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.

I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand--

- -.-- -... . .

How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep--while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"

.-.. .. -. .


There is One
Solved by giddeanx:
-.-. .- .-.. .-..

- -.-- -... . .

.-.. .. -. .


Will's MySpace video: Two Legs In The Afternoon
Added: 7/7/2007
Tags: Orbis, Aesculapius, Astronomy, Bell, Healing, Risk, Tea, Vitualamen
Description: 8) Just read between the lines.

Solved by Cainam and HenrySugar:
Baconian cipher once again on the images. A=Waterhouse, B=Klimt.
This is an index of links to forum threads, character profiles, and videos for the Will-O-Wisp (WoW) fanfic ARG-like story. I will try to keep it updated. Please PM me with anything that's missing.

ETA: Those video tags that we've determined as clues are being made into links to their appropriate reference. In most cases the connection is obvious, but in some cases you'll have to search the linked article for the corresponding tag to find the relevance. Sometimes the same article gets several links through different tags so you should search for each one of them to understand the implied overall clue(s). For example, in the first video, once you put together all the tags and their relevance to the Georgia Guidestones, you realize that the message it's trying to send is something like, "there's a time capsule beneath the blue granite stones of the monument at Elbert county, near Georgia Highway 77, commisioned by R. C. Christian, and you should read the Elberton Star article about the mysterious site" (tags in bold). Also, you should check in the replies after this post for the excellent research on these tags put forth by sparkybennett (and others, hopefully).

ETA2, I'm moving all the researched links from the puzzles thread to this one, and adding a few links I found recently. Only a few tags remain unresearched. Thanks to sparky and Henry for their hard work.

LG15 forum threads

WoW summary threads
Currently all inside this post. Status is temperary until the full ARG moves to new subforums. Sorry for the growing pains, but congratulations on the upcoming area.

Discussion threads
(WoW) ab OVO...a beginning
(WOW)- "Life for Life" [06/15/07]
(WoW) Storm Genie - YouTube Profile
(WoW) StormGenie "Gone Again" [6/16/07]
(WoW) StormGenie "Willy Boy Was Here" [6/16/07]
(WoW) Vertumnalia(My Madrigal)
(WoW) Vertumnalia "Love Song" [6/18/07]
(WoW)Will-O-Wisp "Four Legs in the morning"
(WoW) Storm Genie "Hear Ye Hear Ye"
(WoW) StormGenie - She's So Pretty...
(WoW) - [puzzle] Sean's blog: I found something today
(WoW) Will-o-Wisp "Open Windows"
(WoW) Annabel - myspace account
(WoW) "The Gone Show" StormGenie
(WoW) WoW blog entry Friday, July 06, 2007
(WoW) Annabel video - My Song To You
(WoW) Sean video - Two Legs In The Afternoon
WoW - Annabel Blog Entry 7/8
(WoW) StormGenie "the Enchanted Garden"
(WoW) StormGenie "Morning Star"
WoW - Will-o-Wisp blog update
(WoW) StormGenie "Wings of Wax"
(WoW) Annabel Stardust Video

londonfiles summary threads
LondonFiles and San Francisco files - Timeline

sanfranciscofiles summary threads
Official San Franciscofiles Summary Guide - includes STORY SUMMARY, LINK INDEX, PUZZLE THREADS, META INFORMATION
LondonFiles and San Francisco files - Timeline

Inactive/unrelated? threads: the Katherine affair.
I met Bree and she told me to find Daniel
katiskooky - New York, New York (discussion)
Katiskooky - discussion


Currently active character pages: where the most recent stuff is happening.
sean31401 at MySpace
vertumnalia at MySpace
Vertumnalia at YouTube
StormGenie at YouTube
MonsieurAlle's Photobucket

londonfiles crossover:
impulseLG at Revver
impulseLG at YouTube

Will-O-Wisp aka Sean (William Sean Wise)

MySpace sean31401:

blog | pics | videos

World Order
Added: June 2, 2007 12:24AM
Tags: 77, Astronomy, Blue, C., Christian, Elbert, Granite, R., Star, Time
Description: Whatever happened to, 'Thou Shalt Not Kill?' Sir Alice & Romain Kronenberg - For Alice
Additional research:
- New Order of the Barbarians
- John Dee's Monas Hieroglyphica

Added: June 2, 2007 03:13PM
Tags: 77, Astronomy, Christian, Desdenova, Elberton, Star
Description: With Sinerest Apologies To Mister Abel.
Additional research:
- Astronomical clock in Troup Square, Savannah
- Daniel Returns, and More Interesting Factoids (Yay!)
- ab OVO
- Death (XIII) Tarot card
- Port of Savannah (image)

Les Invisibles
Added: June 9, 2007 04:11AM
Tags: 7, Ceremony, Coma, Commune, Deception, Dream, Fire, Flight, Sleep
Description: "Truth can never be reached by just listening to the voice of an authority." Music by Incus Images by The Wizard Hobo
- Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis

Green Goddess
Added: June 13, 2007 07:31PM
Tags: Astronomy, August[url], [url=]Dog, Fairy, Mozart, Star, Thujone, Trust, Wormwood
Description: "After the first glass, you see things as you wish they were. After the second, you see things as they are not. Finally, you see things as they really are, and that is the most horrible thing in the world." ~Oscar Wilde
Additional research:
- Absinthe: The Green Goddess by Aleister Crowley
- Julia de Burgos

Life for Life
Added: June 15, 2007 10:52AM
Tags: Abel, Astronomy, Eve, Ghost, Invisibles, Star, tslmonrudmr, Turtles
Description: Along the world axis The Empress lay sleeping- To the rhyme of the star clock. Seven sleepers- Seven sages. Seven ladders to the Seventh heaven. Seven stars- Had Ursa Major. Tables turning And rain maker. While the seven visitors- All went A drumming. Dance a Don Pedro. Do the Don Pedro Games after death- Night dances 'round- Samedi and Petre. In Alchemy Salute the Four Quarters. Before I leave your eyes. Twinned in the mirror. Les Mesteres come End me adoration Before I leave your eyes World in the mirror Waters of amnesia come Do you know The court of Eve Beneath the Polar Mountain Rose cross and crosser there Symbols of the swan Aerial races In rotation over The magical casement Visions of a parallel world
Additional research:
- The Ghost of Abel (image)

Four Legs In The Morning
Added: June 19, 2007 10:42AM
Tags: Distress, Hang, Martyrdom, Pinocchio, St.Sebastian, Vertumnalia, Words
Description: 'We shall never understand each other until we reduce the language to seven words' ~ Kahlil Gibran
Additional research:
- Riddle of the Sphinx

Open Windows
Added: June 27, 2007 12:46PM
Description: I had big plans tonight. Plans change.

Two Legs In The Afternoon
Added: 7/7/2007
Tags: Orbis, Aesculapius, Astronomy, Bell, Healing, Risk, Tea, Vitualamen
Description: 8) Just read between the lines.
Additional research:
- John William Waterhouse
- Gustav Klimt

CraigsList posts:

LG15 forum member Will-O-Wisp (some posts OOC): ... ile&u=5520

Additional research:
- Interesting info about the folk myth of Will o' the Wisp

Annabel aka Bell aka Vertumnalia

YouTube Vertumnalia:

YouTube videos:

My Madrigal
Added: June 14, 2007
Tags: Astronomy Agent Will Abel Wisp Gone Telescope Summer Roman Maestro Page Turtles Vertumnus Nobodaddy Invisibles Bell
Description: dGhlIGRpZSBpcyBjYXN0IGkgc2VlIHRyYXZlbHMg aW4geW91ciBmdXR1cmUgb2ggYWdlbnQgbGVz

Love Song
Added: June 18, 2007
Tags: Love Star Wisp Abel Gibrain Rumi Poem Heart Please
Description: "Every thought I have imprisoned in expression I must free by my deeds."

Added: July 18, 2007
Tags: Alone HIM Locale Prince Rose Stardust
Descriptions: "Now You Know"
Additional Research: Stardust Lyrics

MySpace vertumnalia:

blog | pics | videos

My Song to You
Added: July 5, 2007
Tags: above, below, guidestone, love, prince, sacrifice, sean, vertumnalia
Description: just a small reminder :)

Additional research:
- Vertumnalia is the festival of Vertumnus, celebrated Aug 13

Mr. Gone

YouTube StormGenie:

YouTube videos:

Gone Again (response to My Madrigal)
Added: June 16, 2007
Tags: Alchemy Vertumnalia Zillah Gone Coma Sean Wisp Will Telescope Seal Blake Abel Lost Fire Village Sheriff Ritual Milk
Description: Have You Seen This Man?

Willy Boy Was Here
Added: June 16, 2007
Tags: Astronomy Seal Dee Will Wisp Found Ha!
Description: Small, round, brownish tint, lots of arcane symbols etched on the sides. It looks really old, like something John Dee would own. Sound familiar? You can have it back if you like...

Hear ye! Hear Ye!
Added: June 21, 2007
Tags: Alchemy Seal Bosch Trial Guilty Ultimatum Judge Court Pig Wisp
Description: Happy Solstice, boys & girls. Welcome to the longest day of the year.

She's So Pretty...
Added: June 22, 2007
Tags: Dream Date Meet Marlett Alice Riley Rose CRC Crybaby Blues
Description: "Into our town the hangman came, smelling of gold and blood and flame- And he paced our bricks with a diffident air And built his frame in the courthouse square."
Additional research:
- The Hangman (poem from the description)
- The Hangman (Tarot card)
- Pigpen or Masonic cipher
- Path of Mem: Geburah [5] and Hod [8] highlighted in red on the Tree of Life

Three Days
Added: June 25, 2007
Tags: Seal 3 Days Beast Eat Dreams Happily Ever After
Description: A sweet little bedtime story for the kiddies along with a short stroll down memory lane.
Additional research:
- Beauty and the Beast illustrations
- Whore of Babylon by Durer

The Gone Show
Added: July 02, 2007
Tags: Pieter Fire Revenge Karma Wisp Death Sacrifice Lamb Memory
Description: At least some folks can still play guitar.
Additional research:
- The Avengers TV intro (1965)
- The Triumph of Death by Bruegel

The Enchanted Garden
Added: July 09, 2007
Tags: londonfiles kate modern waterhouse kensal gone
Description: I've a small favour...
This video is a response to londonfiles_011
londoncalling is a response to this video.
Note: this video confirmed the crossover that was suggested in londonfiles_011.

Morning Star
Added: July 11, 2007
Tags: Dawn Rain Thunder Hesperus Perun Veles Aesculapius Wisp
Description: "One would have taken her for a little angel, she was so very beautiful; for her swooning away had not diminished one bit of her complexion; her cheeks were carnation,and her lips were coral; indeed, her eyes were shut, but she was heard to breathe softly, which satisfied those about her that she was not dead. The King commanded that they should not disturb her, but let her sleep quietly till her hour of awaking was come."
Additional research:
- Sleeping Beauty

Wings of Wax
Added: July 15, 2007
Tags: Alchemy Flight Tower Stone Throat 1596 Ophelia Londonfiles Trust
He is dead and gone, lady,
He is dead and gone;
At his head a grass-gcker turf,
At his heels a stone.
(Quoted from Ophelia's song from Hamlet)
Additional research:
- Icarus (wings of wax)
- Ophelia's song
Note: The main character from londonfiles_011's Kris Lamont Cogan commented on the forum entry for this video.

LG15 forum member Mr.Gone: only interacted with the Kat affair, but you never know when he'll show up again. ... ile&u=5448

Photobucket MonsieurAlle: News clippings about the mysterious events in Will's past, and most recently a few images that apparently Gone found in a memory card that Will left behind when he had to leave Savannah in a hurry.

Yahoo MonsieurAlle:

Other characters:

Abel: (?)

Katherine (inactive/unrelated?):

MySpace kookykatkat:

LG15 forum member katiskooky: ... ile&u=5446

Please comment or PM me if anything is to be edited or credited differently. I hope this helps the WoW effort.
Last edited by Danielle on Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:16 am, edited 4 times in total.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
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Post by deagol »

WOW where did my WoW threads go? how am I going to update this?

Dani, you know I love you, dear, but I don't see much of a difference, other than they're all in one monster post which is harder to read (there's people that don't care for the puzzles, as well as people that are following the story but just need to catch up with the last puzzle). If the point was to only have one stickied thread, you could have made just the "table of contents" sticky and linking to my other threads, which I could just continue updating. It doesn't make any sense that I need to post my update and wait for you to update the first post.

I don't understand why they needed to be removed, heck, they're not even in the rubbish bin. There was some good research by sparky on one of those threads. I'm feeling pretty trampled by this, and can't see why it had to be done like this. I would've appreciated a PM asking me what you wanted from these threads.
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Post by impulse »

Hmmmm I agree with deagol. Those monster threads are sort of hard to go through. :?
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Post by Will-O-Wisp »

As the pm of this game I would've appreciated a heads up as well.

I can't see what purpose this serves other than to make things more complicated than they already are.

Sparky and Deagol put a lot of hard work into the threads you deleted. Thanks you two. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. I'm sorry this happened.
Last edited by Will-O-Wisp on Tue Jul 17, 2007 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by HenrySugar »

I'm sure she thought she was doing good.

Still, there is no reason to not contact the folks responsible for the threads before they were thrown out. Not even in the rubbish bin. Just gone.

There's a lot of good research and hard work deleted on a whim. I can understand how these guys and gals would be a little upset by that. I know I would be.

Anyway, hey Sean! Love what you're doing. I sincerely hope this little event doesn't hinder your enthusiasm.
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Post by deagol »

New forum discussion threads:
WoW - Will-o-Wisp blog update
(WoW) StormGenie "Wings of Wax"

New video (links section)
Wings of Wax
Added: July 15, 2007
Tags: Alchemy Flight Tower Stone Throat 1596 Ophelia Londonfiles Trust
He is dead and gone, lady,
He is dead and gone;
At his head a grass-gcker turf,
At his heels a stone.

Additional research:
- Icarus (wings of wax)
- Ophelia's song

Make the Alchemy tag linkable ( in the video "Hear ye! Hear Ye!"

The following sections now have broken links:
WoW summary threads
(WoW) Summary
(WoW) - [puzzles] Will-O-Wisp summary of puzzles
(WoW) - [index] Will-O-Wisp link index (this thread)

londonfiles summary threads
londonfiles - [summary] londonfiles summary with links
londonfiles - [puzzles] londonfiles summary of puzzles

I'm not sure this is gonna work. "Something's rotten in the state of Denmark."
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Post by Danielle »

Ahh sorry! Chershay and I were trying to helllp!
I can't fix it, but she can. PM her?
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
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Post by chershaytoute »

I am dreadfully sorry, gang.

You are absolutely right - I was trying to do the right thing, and I obviously went about it the wrong way...and, apparently, in a very big way.

I mistakenly figured things could be deleted since the information was all there. Not good, I can tell. Hindsight is a wonderful thing to have, but obviously the wrong thing, in this case.

I promise, it won't happen again, but that doesn't help much this time.

This is YOUR area...and, I have a hunch, will be moreso, once the forum change happens (which should be soon, I hope)...

If Dani and I, between us, can figure out how to break the post up and re-arrange things in order to put them back into something y'all are happier with, would that work? Just, please, let me know...
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by sparkybennett »

you can also add the stardust video

how does this work now?
Is Danielle going to follow the story and do the updates
or do we have to remind her when something happens ......
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Post by deagol »

Unfortunately, I've given up on this effort. Not really a result of this shuffle, just too much stuff on my plate right now. Hopefully someone can pick up from where I left.

sparky, I would recommend starting a new thread and asking Diane to sticky it and un-sticky this one. Also, I don't think there's a real need for the puzzles summary. If anyone is interested in the detailed solutions they can follow the links to the discussion threads.
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Post by Broken Kid »

Look for WoW (and other active video series/ARGs) to get their own subforum when the new version of the forum is unveiled! That should help, I hope! :)
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Post by impulse »

Broken Kid wrote:Look for WoW (and other active video series/ARGs) to get their own subforum when the new version of the forum is unveiled! That should help, I hope! :)
*does the happy dance* \:D/
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Post by chershaytoute »

I will sticky/unsticky what all/any all y'all want. I'm still in contrite mode (but even if I wasn't) <rueful grin>, you know, you've always got my ear...

I've just sent a PM to Dani to ask if she'll do the updates (above)...
Diane, or cher, or even chershaytoute, but "Hey, you!" works, too...

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Post by Danielle »

kay i'm gonna do my best to keep everything updated as we wait for your subforum.

or if someone (and i would prefer this) would enjoy reposting this thread to be restickied, etc.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
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Post by Danielle »

Kay. Here`s what I updated. Sorry for the following odd typing, my computer refuses to leave bilingual mode. Which is awesome for punctuation.

- Added current summary for Wings of Wax video
- Added current summary for Stardust video
- Updated broken links
- Added San Francisco Files links
- Updated Alchemy tags
- Added new WoW discussion threads including video discussion threads.

Just while we wait this week or so out until the new website launch, please PM me at anytime with updates. I`m going to make a better effort to keep on top of this for the next week. I understand that Diane and I overstepped bounds and I`m going to do my best to make up for this. Just one thing I`d enjoy help with is the puzzle update for the Stardust & Wings of Wax videos as well as any other threads & puzzles I missed out on seeing.

But essentially I`m really sorry and will be offering my baked goods to all injured parties. As well as a free*** trip to London to do some real live filing!

But a huge sorry to the players and PMs, and a special sorry to Deagol and Sparky.

***free in terms of spirit, not monetary contributions or lack there of.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
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