0232 - "Deep Throat" [7/14/07]

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Post by simplykimmie13 »

well ive switched.

its NOT alex.

why you ask?

daniel said so.

danielbeast wrote:
betz28 wrote:daniel

could you tell who the woman was in the alley? some people think it may have been alex? it sort of sounded like her.
Hey Betz, lovin' the new pic. You look cute. :wink:

Anyway, yes I could tell who the lady in the alley was. Hmm "The Lady in the Alley"... I can see the movie now... ok sorry, I'm getting distracted easily today. It must have been that video Jonas & Spencer posted. LOL loved seein' Jonas hop like a kangaroo. :smt043

Ok, so the person I met with, Deep Throat, does not want to be identified. However, I can confirm that it was not Alex. I spent a lot of time with Alex and know her pretty well... at least I thought I did. :roll: That's another story for another day.

Also, I can confirm that Deep Throat and TCC are not the same person. What's with all of these code names? I feel like I'm in a James Bond movie. That or Fletch. Ok, catcha guys later.
back to the drawing board.
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Post by Shaneener »

Beth or Sonia, or Rebecca.

TCC could very well be Alex.

Alex could've gotten one of her friends to go meet DB, but they just said what she wanted them to.

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Post by thoughtssopoetic »

It could also be someone that we don't know of at all.
TCC could be alex, woman in the alley could have just been a mouthpiece for her (or whoever)

I am disappointed that it isn't alex, I was pretty sure it was.
oh well.
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Post by Sheqinah »

Well, it sounds like Daniel knows who it is. But she does not want to be identified. We know it is in fact not Alex. And now TCC and Deep Throat are not the same person??

So I guess the mystery remains until the creators decide to reveal who it is.
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Post by Charles Phoenix »

so basically to sum things up


slightly right yea?
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