Pretty much how I feel about the whole thing. I had fun going after the clues, don't get that wrong, but without some kind of cohesive plot, it's really nothing more than geocaching. I'm disenchanted, because although it's exciting to be able to !seek!behold!reveal! it's too much of a let down to bring back the treasure and find out it gets us nowhere.mandimoron wrote:Well I've only just started looking into the whole Cassie thing myself, and while it looked interesting, the absurdity of it is just unavoidable. Clues are cool, yeah, but they mean nothing to me if I can't put them in context. I know nothing of Cassie, or what her significance is. What I'd like more than a hint is motivation, I want a reason to put the effort into the puzzle before I bother starting. Right now, after all the hoops that have been leapt through, all we've got is some cryptic wannabe poet that's obsessed with decades-old murders and small-scale doomsday prophecies that really have nothing to do with anything-- big frikkin' deal. When she starts to reveal something human about herself, or at least starts conjuring up some semblance of a cohesive plot, gimme a call.
I still drop by here every couple of days and look around, but I'm spending most of the time in the chat hanging out with the perverts.
I'm really kind of dissapointed, but my boots and pack are by the door. I'm always ready to move.