[SPEC] Analyzing the clues [DROP] 11/4/06

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Post by covedweller »

Actually, since both Craigslist posts were to clarify the drop. Any new insights/updates?
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Post by BubbleYum211 »

Okay, well like I said, I could just be rambling and this all was proven to be right... LOL, Im going through all the posts now as I havent been on for a little bit and as we all know if you leave for a day or so you have a bajillion pages to catch up on. Anyhow, thanks for letting me know that it was relivent! :D
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I hope this helps

Post by HeWhoMustNotBeNamed »

I have been attempting to analyse the number list on the bookmark.

I don't think the numbers have anything to do with "The Book Of The Law." It defeats the purpose of using a coded message if one also leaves a copy of the primer to decode the message.

Here's what I do believe: The numbers are related to YouTube playlists.

For those of you who haven't noticed, every channel on YT has a list of links near the top: Channel, Videos, Playlists, Groups, etc. Lonelygirl15's playlist is chronological; all the videos on the list are in the order they were posted. OpAphid's playlist isn't chronological; Op adds vids to her playlist in a different order.

I had been examinging these playlists before the Tachyon drop because I thought it was an avenue of analysis that had previously been overlooked. True to form, Op added "The Action of an Enemy - Be Careful" to the list in front of another video.

Here is what I noticed in the order, no pun intended. (I am numbering these here, although the playlist itself doesn't number them.)

4. They Attack Cassie! Is Daniel next? He crossed the line.
5. Cassie Is Lying, Cassie Tells Lies
6. What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?
7. Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)
8. Disclosure: Cassie. We Are "They"
9. The Action of an Enemy - Be Careful

These videos YT tags correspond to lonelygirl15's tags for the following videos:

52. Following The Helper
51. I Completed The Ceremony!
47. Zodiac of Denderah
56. I'm Hiding Out
58. I Lied To Daniel
63. Proving Longitude Wrong

Rearranging Op's videos in lonelygirl15's order produces:


So anyone who has seen the "<" symbol on the bookmark can see why this order struck me. I think that Tachyon was using that mark to tell the intended recipient of the message the correct order of the numbers, and that they correspond to videos on Op's playlist.
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Re: I hope this helps

Post by Ziola »

HeWhoMustNotBeNamed wrote:I have been attempting to analyse the number list on the bookmark.

I don't think the numbers have anything to do with "The Book Of The Law." It defeats the purpose of using a coded message if one also leaves a copy of the primer to decode the message.

Here's what I do believe: The numbers are related to YouTube playlists.

For those of you who haven't noticed, every channel on YT has a list of links near the top: Channel, Videos, Playlists, Groups, etc. Lonelygirl15's playlist is chronological; all the videos on the list are in the order they were posted. OpAphid's playlist isn't chronological; Op adds vids to her playlist in a different order.

I had been examinging these playlists before the Tachyon drop because I thought it was an avenue of analysis that had previously been overlooked. True to form, Op added "The Action of an Enemy - Be Careful" to the list in front of another video.

Here is what I noticed in the order, no pun intended. (I am numbering these here, although the playlist itself doesn't number them.)

4. They Attack Cassie! Is Daniel next? He crossed the line.
5. Cassie Is Lying, Cassie Tells Lies
6. What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?
7. Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)
8. Disclosure: Cassie. We Are "They"
9. The Action of an Enemy - Be Careful

These videos YT tags correspond to lonelygirl15's tags for the following videos:

52. Following The Helper
51. I Completed The Ceremony!
47. Zodiac of Denderah
56. I'm Hiding Out
58. I Lied To Daniel
63. Proving Longitude Wrong

Rearranging Op's videos in lonelygirl15's order produces:


So anyone who has seen the "<" symbol on the bookmark can see why this order struck me. I think that Tachyon was using that mark to tell the intended recipient of the message the correct order of the numbers, and that they correspond to videos on Op's playlist.
That is a very interesting theory, and I think you might be on to something...
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Post by Six »

Your theory would also explain why OpAphid has Tach's vid under her video posts (as if Op had posted it). I was wondering why OpAphid had done that. Also, on Op's page, Tachyon's name is in brackets [tachyon], just like the other members of OpAphid's group.....weird.
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Re: I hope this helps

Post by ixlr8 »

Ziola wrote:
HeWhoMustNotBeNamed wrote:I have been attempting to analyse the number list on the bookmark.

I don't think the numbers have anything to do with "The Book Of The Law." It defeats the purpose of using a coded message if one also leaves a copy of the primer to decode the message.

Here's what I do believe: The numbers are related to YouTube playlists.

For those of you who haven't noticed, every channel on YT has a list of links near the top: Channel, Videos, Playlists, Groups, etc. Lonelygirl15's playlist is chronological; all the videos on the list are in the order they were posted. OpAphid's playlist isn't chronological; Op adds vids to her playlist in a different order.

I had been examinging these playlists before the Tachyon drop because I thought it was an avenue of analysis that had previously been overlooked. True to form, Op added "The Action of an Enemy - Be Careful" to the list in front of another video.

Here is what I noticed in the order, no pun intended. (I am numbering these here, although the playlist itself doesn't number them.)

4. They Attack Cassie! Is Daniel next? He crossed the line.
5. Cassie Is Lying, Cassie Tells Lies
6. What ever happened to that girl, Cassie?
7. Which Side Are You On? (Keep This In Mind)
8. Disclosure: Cassie. We Are "They"
9. The Action of an Enemy - Be Careful

These videos YT tags correspond to lonelygirl15's tags for the following videos:

52. Following The Helper
51. I Completed The Ceremony!
47. Zodiac of Denderah
56. I'm Hiding Out
58. I Lied To Daniel
63. Proving Longitude Wrong

Rearranging Op's videos in lonelygirl15's order produces:


So anyone who has seen the "<" symbol on the bookmark can see why this order struck me. I think that Tachyon was using that mark to tell the intended recipient of the message the correct order of the numbers, and that they correspond to videos on Op's playlist.
That is a very interesting theory, and I think you might be on to something...
I have to disagree with you there. The numbers that are on the bookmark are supposed to be her notes on The Book of Law, meaning that she's highlighted relevant passages to the information she's gathering, and is passing the info to her brother, who, mind you, obviously isn't too bright. I really think we're trying to read too deep into this.
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Post by evaB »

OK, I'm of the feeling that the notes on the bookmark are just that--notes. I'm going to try to collect what we have from Op about the notes here to review... They are all similar, but have enough differences in detail that I think it's worth looking at them together.

Current profile reads:
Oh dear. Now that the pieces of Tachyon's cryptic messages are decoded, what do they mean?
which, as others have pointed out, probably means that there's no more decoding to do, just analysis.

YT msg to me
I believe the book may have been her narrow interpetation of things. And since the book should not be written in, or kept, per Crowley's instruction, the noted pages make sense.

It certainly is ONE interpetation of Crowley's text, I suppose.
Similar to NASAboy
I do believe the book was her narrow interpetation of Crowley's writings and trying to put them in some sort of context via her notes. Her viewpoints are certainly is one way to interpet it.

Similar to SP
I do believe they are her notes and interpretations of how it might apply from her viewpoint. It certainly is a narrow view to have, but she is entitled to be wrong (as is anyone).
to Ladron
I think Tachyon's latest message to her brother communicates the nature of her notes and the book.

Of course, "Book of the Law" is an appropriately clever choice on her part.
So, is the "message to her brother" the decoded part of the craislist thing, that says they have to let "him" (Daniel?) know he's being tracked? What does that have to do with the nature of the notes and the book?

Sorry if people feel it's redundant to post all this again. I just needed to collect what we know about the notes. Anyone have anything to add?

Post by covedweller »

I agree with EvaB. I think everyone is OVERanalyzing some things that are pretty obvious. Re-read the passages those #'s correspond to. It all pretty much relates to OpAphid and LG15/Danielbeast.

The Craigslist posts seem like Tachyon's way of clarifying that for us. OpAphid can be on and respond to our messages, but in-game we have to realize that Tachyon's brother is who she thinks is helping her (not us). And since Tachyon is on the road, she can't be on signed into YouTube giving us hints.

Maybe OpAphid's freak-out the other night was the only way OpAphid could help US solve Tachyon's puzzle?
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Post by ixlr8 »

Interesting OpMail I'd like to share:


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Post by evaB »

Interesting, ix. Can you include your message? Just curious what you asked her...
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Post by corveau »

I am just a lurker here, but I just wanted to voice a real quick opinion. The numbers being passages from the book of lae just seems to easy. After everything that needed to be done to discover the messages on craigslist, this is just being handed over. I don't know what yet, but I think the numbers mean something else.
okay going back to lurking now.

Post by covedweller »

corveau wrote:I am just a lurker here, but I just wanted to voice a real quick opinion. The numbers being passages from the book of lae just seems to easy. After everything that needed to be done to discover the messages on craigslist, this is just being handed over. I don't know what yet, but I think the numbers mean something else.
okay going back to lurking now.

I kind of thought the opposite.

dead drop recoveries shouldn't be incredibly difficult to figure out! :lol:
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Post by tiltingwindward »

First, a big thank you to Eva for saying what she said above (and to everyone who backed her up). I'll be the first to admit that I have a tendency to go for overanalysis rather than the simpler alternatives, and I appreciate someone bringing me back down to earth. :)

In the past, OpA's clues (and Tach's as well) have taken two forms, as far as I can tell: there's the technically complicated clue, which usually involves computer code, analysis of source codes, other techy stuff (can we tell that's not my forte?) Then, there's the textually complicated clue, which is simple to decode, but whose primary value is discovered only by in-depth textual analysis.

I think the clue we're dealing with right now is the second kind. Perhaps it is time for us to follow SadPanda's lead and put on our text analysis thinking caps? I know that's what I'll be doing...
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Post by taiya »

Opaphids latest email is pretty strange. What cat has been let out of the bag? And it sounds like she does sort of want us to include Bree.

Also, why does she keep saying that the "Book of Law" is a clever choice?

Post by covedweller »

taiya wrote:Opaphids latest email is pretty strange. What cat has been let out of the bag? And it sounds like she does sort of want us to include Bree.

Also, why does she keep saying that the "Book of Law" is a clever choice?
Didn't we all assume that is who Tachyon works for? "The Law?"
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