Nikki , I think the symbol on the box is the "crying eye"
[Mourning Eye:
This multi-layered symbol reifies a variety of ocular functions, both on the physical and metaphysical level. It symbolizes physical sight; if the Bahro existed as a slave class, they would have observed the D'ni in every walk of life, even while they were not seen (or not meant to be seen) themselves. It symbolizes moral sight; while the D'ni either overlooked or thought little of the enslavement of ahrotahn peoples, the Bahro were first-hand witnesses of the darker side of D'ni and the injustices of slavery. And it symbolizes mourning, over those very injustices. It is a powerful statement that the Bahro chose this symbol to represent themselves -- even while the eye is weeping, it is wide open -- sadness and justice exist side by side. Though they were stripped of their freedoms and rights at every level, they could not be robbed of their freedom to look, to see, to observe. Self-representation through the Mourning Eye is both an act of resistance (the Eye stares unflinchingly at its D'ni oppressors) and an act of remembrance (the Eye pays respect to the troubled and troubling history of the Bahro). ]
Link: ... wtopic=324
It appears that the symbol is open to interpretation still
many don't believe that the 3 lines represent tears,: for example
someone else believes
"the three lines beneath the eye symbolize the three signs that one must watch for.
These signs are:
1. The signs of the Builders.
2. The signs of the Breakers.
3. The signs of the Growers
When all three of these signs have been observed, great wisdom will be passed through.
These lines could also represent PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE.
AND I just figured out all this is from some computer game! ARRGH (THIS BETTER NOT BE LIKE SECOND LIFE)