I've been trying to avoid saying anything up to now because I thought it was kind of obvious what's going on here and that everybody else would think so too after a day or so, but some of you still seem to be hung up on the idea that we've got a complete backtrack going on here. I don't think that's the case.trunbuns wrote:This is one of the things I've been trying to point out.. people are saying they always knew it wasn't religion even never mind Thelema. crap. IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN A RELIGION...
Clearly Bree believes she's part of a religion. Considering her book learning, it's fair to say she knows what a religion is (and wasn't it established a while ago that she believes “…in a certain person… in a certain set of rules… and not Jesus Christ"?) and would find it odd that her religion had no religious overtones if it didn't?
Anyway, the point I'm trying to get to is that it's very, very likely that Bree and her parents are part of a religion (possibly Thelema), that the Order of Denderah is a "branch" of that religion (which only a select few would get to be part of; Bree's already stated that her parents aren't part of the Order of Denderah), and that it is this select few who are in the "secret society" that isn't really a religion. In other words, the Order of Denderah here could be a secret society disguising itself as a branch of Thelema. Or, it could go even further than that, and The Order could be a secret society disguising itself as a branch of the Order of Denderah, which could be a branch of Thelema (think Christianity --> Catholicism --> Opus Dei).
I think it's a harsh misinterpretation of this video from Gemma to conclude that it suddenly means there was never any religious stuff at work here. It's possible that the Enochian Bree learned was because her religion is Thelema, but that she was just told to learn that by the Deacons so that Bree would think what she was preparing for is relevant to her religion. This revelation about Egyptian being their true concern would just mean that they were trying to get Bree to think that she was doing something related to her religion.
Oh, and a couple of other things, guys: "Denderah" is the name of a town in Egypt. Don't forget that. Also, Aleister Crowley said that history is broken down into a series of aeons (or eons), and he named them after Isis, Osiris, and Horus. And there's the mention of Hathor. It's not like Egyptian references suddenly came out of nowhere in this story. It's not even like Thelema itself doesn't have any connections to Egypt (Crowley wrote the Book of the Law in Egypt, and its cosmology is based on ancient Egyptian cosmology). Have a little faith, people, and look for something that makes it work. In my opinion, what I've suggested above would resolve any possible discrepancies this most recent video created. Look a little harder for glue before accepting that there isn't any.
I'm not saying that I think all of the plot threads that we've seen are going to get resolved. In fact, I bet most of them won't be. I'm one of those people who thinks the Creators have been writing this thing while flying by the seat of their pants, just making it up as they go along. But, when a possible explanation for some things is as obvious as this one is, I don't see why everyone's ready to write them off.