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Post by sunflowernik »

Cu_Roi wrote:I'd like to apologize again for the length of time it took to get the evidence up. We ran into many promlems along the way. I'm proud of the video that resulted and hope you can find some enjoyment in it. I'm as angry that what I found has turned out to be a prank as you all are. It detracts from the impact and distracts from that which we should focus on.
For what it's worth, I thought your video was awesome, and I totally flipped when I saw the Tarot card. I still think you found the right clue/box.

Even if there are elaborate pranks being played, I don't believe that was one. The evidence for that is sketchy - cryptic YT Cassie is cross and says some angry cryptic things: that could be part of the story.
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Post by tcandew »

Cu_Roi wrote:
Nora Volkova wrote:Subject Nora Volkova experienced a positive emotion resulting from the communication from cpo schwartz. Subject Nora Volkova believes that the non-catatonic response is "Thank you."

I hope the Authors have learned from this, though. The more you allow the audience to partake in the creation of the show the greater your response will be. If you truly intend to remove "the line between "fan" and "star"", I applaud you & wish you the best. I pray that the weight of the attention focused on this doesn't make it drag bottom and halt what is a very promising entertainment

I'd rather have good stroytelling than fan involvement anyday.
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Post by milowent »

i must say, nora's venn diagram is the BEST thing i have seen on this board! hilarious.

for what's its worth, i will also chime in to say that i don't believe this cassie stuff is part of the official LG15 cannon

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Post by Casieefan »

I've been trying to follow the cassie boom. I defended Cu against flaming and I even had some harsh moments with a moderator.

But after the whole forum breaking I think I have to agree with them. But let me explain myself:

Cassieiswatching is becoming a great game. The moderators can claim is not LG related all they want, but one of the reasons people took it too seriously is because a journalist who had a good deal of information said a spinoff was coming, related to known locations. cassieiswatching fitted that description too well. They knew exactly where Bree was shoot. They had the very kind and quality of video. Timing was done greatly. So it's natural we took it as part of the Breenverse.

However... one fun ends where someone else's fun gets ruined. Today Cassie ruined the fun for those who just wanted to discuss about how serious Daniel was getting by calling a walk in the park a date. That is not fair.

My suggestion to the admin is to get a subdomain for cassie. That way those who like creepy scavenger hunts can go there and trash about teen soap operas if they want, while those who like stories about romance with a hidden twist can trash the ARG nerds all they want.
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Post by toadlguy »

I think the "hidden twist" is likely to be something more along the lines of cassieiswatching than you think though.
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this is twisted

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its great that whomever is behind the Cassie thing is getting this much attention ... for those who care. otherwise its a nuissance and a theft of the original project.

now someone is posting cassie clues on ebay??? wow, trying to make money off of it??

there is someone also selling domain too ... although it doesnt appear they are selling it for profit. ... 0029451412

this is all twisted now, not even the creators have control of it. ha! take what you want from it and leave the rest behind.
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Post by anonymouse »

As Cassie stuff is directly linked to the story it is appropriate for discussion here. The only way I would accept that Cassie stuff to be Off Topic on these boards would be for the creators to put up an official WARNING video on Bree's YT profile.

Making a text declaration here on a semi official forum is NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

The only guaranteed official LG15 locations are Bree's profile and Daniels profile on YOUTUBE, and that is the ONLY place where you can Guarantee that 100% of the fans will see the message.

If LG15 creators want to distance themselves from what they see as a potentially dangerous fan created offshoot, then they have to IMHO create a warning video and put it up on Bree's profile at Youtube.

If they don't do that then as far as I am concerned it's open season and anything and everything LG15 related could be part of the show and could not be part of the show and we will all just have to sit back and watch it all pan out.
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Post by anonymouse »

Plus to all those who think Cassie is not part of the show. She may not be officially , it might be someone linked to the show (a cameraman for example).

I cannot accept that it is some fan/watcher from Youtube who is otherwise totally unrelated. Because They knew the location of the pool in the river and they knew what park it was (shot in the dark making it even more difficult to identify). I'm sure you've discussed this stuff somewhere else on these boards so if you can point me to it I'd appreciate it.
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Post by oxdeltaxo »

Alright, now I've heard arguments for and against, the cassieiswatching arg concept, but I still have doubts for either argument. Allow me to be the devils advocate.

I understand that the creators have denied involvement with the cassieiswatching sub-plot, or whatever you like to call it. But I can't take the creators on their word. In 2002 an arg called majestic was released, it too used a simmilar manner of deception to create an atmosphere to qoute wikipedia
Officially, the game was developed by an Oregon company named Anim-X and operated as a service by Electronic Arts. In truth, Anim-X, which plays a role in the game's story, was a fictional creation of EA. Majestic was entirely created in-house at EA's Redwood Shores studio.
Not only that but in the game the company called anim-x was shut down and it's ceo murdered, prompting a message telling the player that the game had been shut down, when in reality this was just part of the game used to set the mood. Evevntually the player is contacted by the surviving members of anim-x and filled in on their side of the games story.

But I can also see how this could be a hoax as there is little more evidence than my explaination above to support the arg theory.
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Post by Morgan »

Nora Volkova wrote:Logical Error Detected.
Category: Set Theory
Subcategory: Venn Misplacement

LG15 Fan Activity is not a subset of the greater category/brand Lonelygirl15.

LG15 Fan Activity is a set which overlaps Lonelygirl15. LG15 fan activity which demonstrates direct interactivity with the video series Lonelygirl15 is an intersecting subset of both. LG15 Fan Activity which neither directly interacts nor comments upon the video series Lonelygirl15 is not part of the interacting subset, therefore is not part of Lonelygirl15.

Vaccination: Please refer to Venn Diagram for illustration.

SO, if you throw Hyemew's Danielbeast "behind the scenes" "fanfiction" myspace in the middle, in the "safe zone" where it is acceptable for some reason.... explain why ANY Cassie is different from him. Please. Hyemew isn't affiliated with the creators, yet he gets the right to interpret the videos the way HE wants and writes FICTION about HIS point of view of Daniel's perspective. Therefore he can be apart of this forum? Well, let's just say Cassie really is fanfiction. Why can't this person have the same right as Hyemew and make videos about his own perspective on a side story? Hyemew isn't only recapping what he saw in the video, he is also narrating details about Daniel's thoughts that are not official content and sometimes purely made up.

I think the hostility from all three major moderators towards Cassie fans is pretty weird.
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Post by HyeMew »

This doesn't even deserve a reply but I'm a sucker for putting people in their place when they make ridiculous claims.
Morgan wrote:SO, if you throw Hyemew's Danielbeast "behind the scenes" "fanfiction" myspace in the middle, in the "safe zone" where it is acceptable for some reason.... explain why ANY Cassie is different from him. Please.
Girl, what is your problem?
I freaking said P. Monkey has trouble showing up to work because he's a drunk, and that the other stuffed animals are incredibly jealous of him and are plotting to kill him.
I don't see how the danielbeast "behind the scenes" blog could be taken any other way than a joke, not to mention do you really think my interpretation of the movies is that P. Monkey is a drunk with ego problems? That is hardly anything profound or worth studying.
On top of this, anyone at any forum KNOWS db blog is by me and if they think otherwise are quickly corrected.
Morgan wrote:Hyemew isn't affiliated with the creators, yet he gets the right to interpret the videos the way HE wants and writes FICTION about HIS point of view of Daniel's perspective. Therefore he can be apart of this forum? Well, let's just say Cassie really is fanfiction. Why can't this person have the same right as Hyemew and make videos about his own perspective on a side story?
Well if this isn't simple to explain.. 1. No one discusses the danielbeast blogs here, let alone in threads with over 70 pages in one day. It doesn't cause a hardship on the forum with people speculating wildly out of control. And I don't encourage people to give me their phone/social security number either with it. 2. What do you mean why should I not be allowed to post here? Your arguements are incorrect on two points. One you equate db blog with cassie. As stated, danielbeast blog is an exercise in the ridiculous. There is very little about it worth believing. And if people do, they will be quickly corrected otherwise. CASSIE on the otherhand operates in a renegade fashion leaving everyone disturbed or thinking she's real. I must admit I too am a little suspicious at how much the admins seem to almost encourage her. Whatever the case though, the major difference between someone writing about the series as I am (though am not "interpreting it and giving my perspective" as you claim) and someone stealthily carrying out a sketchy series of videos which purport to be real, leaving everyone in mass confusion and completely jacking the entire course of the discussion. We don't even discuss Bree here anymore, it's ALL Cassie.
SURELY you see the difference between db blog and cassie.
Check out: Funniest LG15-related episode... ever?!
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Post by Nora Volkova »


cassieiswatching is not canon.

The only cassie material which is canon is the improv between Jess and Yousef within the Swimming video, which may or may not be touched on in the future.

cassieiswatching does not need to be canon to validate anyone's interest in it.
cassieiswatching does not need to be canon to validate its own existence.
cassieiswatching was never claimed to be canon by Virginia Heffernan.

If the mods appear to be hostile to cassieiswatching, that would probably be due to:

a) what each of the mods personally feels is tasteless and malicious content used in the second cassieiswatching video,

b)the obvious irresponsibility which with the ambivalent "game" is being conducted,

c) and the utter and sheer weariness induced by having to monitor multiple threads of people throwing about rash accusations of conspiracies, deceit and coverups regarding the alleged canon-nature of cassieiswatching.