Canon and non-Canon characters

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Casual Observer
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Post by Holden »

I think there is a little too much obsessing over what is canon and what isn't.

The Creators have said numerous times what makes this project different is the interaction. If they choose to interact with a poster or someone who makes vids that doesn't make whatever they do from now on canon. It just means they had an interaction and made a contribution.

Re: Canon and non-Canon characters

Post by silvermoon »

iqfrenzy wrote:
iqfrenzy wrote:
twjaniak wrote:
iqfrenzy wrote:
I was talking about the cassieiswatching and frankiswaking and OpAphid vids. You know this, right?
But those characters aren't canon, so the Creators already have nothing to worry about.
Cassie tells lies. Bree tells lie. TWJaniak tells
Bump for correction, as I was edited.
Your post was only shortened to indicate the important part that HyeMew was responding to, thus the elipses...incidating that the quote was shortened for content. Nothing was actually changed.
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Re: Canon and non-Canon characters

Post by HyeMew »

iqfrenzy wrote:I was talking about the cassieiswatching and frankiswaking and OpAphid vids. You know this, right?
Dear iqfrenzy,
Thanks for the load of harrassing pmessages that I woke up to this morning. I'm sorry you were somehow not able to look at the original message and see that I had never touched it. For you to fly off the handle at me without doing something so simple, and then accuse me via pmessages as trying to 'censor you for being too intelligent and pointing out such smart things', along with others that included such insults as calling me a "jerkoff", is unbelievable. I find your threats via pmessage that you are leaving and "taking people with you!" over this horrible 'injustice' is laughable, as are your calls in the Survival Skills thread for everyone to jump ship off of LG over this.
Frankly, if you really choose to leave, I don't see losing someone who so rashly insults others, floods their inbox with angry messages over something you incorrectly thought was an injustice complete with name-calling at me, as a big loss at all. So if you have left, then good riddance. If not, I'd appreciate an apology for the things you called me and this attempted slander to the forum before you do go.
Thank you.
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