LOL, so basically what we can take away from the chat is that.....anything...could happen?Lurker wrote:I heard that he offered Bree a place to stay and Gemma told her she couldn't trust him so soon. The last I heard was that Bree wasn't sure if she could trust him either. Not sure how that was resolved.SmellyHawaiian wrote:so i was in the chat for the last 15 or 20 mins.. and all i got was that Jonas offered to help. whether it be money, or a place to stay.. is that right? was anything else said?
I also heard that Bree said Daniel was thinking that maybe they should try going home. Not sure how that ended up either.
Hopefully they're not going to do something incredibly distasteful like split Bree and Daniel up. I heard that some people were suggesting it.
I missed it by the way. I had always just planned to read the transcript. Though from the sounds of it, whoever has the task of creating a transcript has quite a job ahead of them.