Way2Curious wrote: and I thought I was the only person who still remembered that show (Pete and Pete)....and the fact that she was on it....
Nona Mecklenberg I believe... daughter to Iggy Pop. I don't forget great shows (though I didn't like her episodes as much as the earlier ones.)
LOL I remember Pete & Pete... soo weird and funny. Archie the strongest man in the word, who lived in a latrine, and didn't Nona always wear a cast on her forearm?
haha pete and pete was awesmome, i can only remember the 1 were the older one went swimming so the little one sold the house lmao
but 1) who'd buy a house of an 8 year old
2) how would he sell it in an hour?
haha if its what i'm thinkin of it was awesome
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
Way2Curious wrote: and I thought I was the only person who still remembered that show (Pete and Pete)....and the fact that she was on it....
Nona Mecklenberg I believe... daughter to Iggy Pop. I don't forget great shows (though I didn't like her episodes as much as the earlier ones.)
LOL I remember Pete & Pete... soo weird and funny. Archie the strongest man in the word, who lived in a latrine, and didn't Nona always wear a cast on her forearm?
Yeah, she always had a cast...but I don't think her arm was even broken....
Way2Curious wrote: and I thought I was the only person who still remembered that show (Pete and Pete)....and the fact that she was on it....
Nona Mecklenberg I believe... daughter to Iggy Pop. I don't forget great shows (though I didn't like her episodes as much as the earlier ones.)
LOL I remember Pete & Pete... soo weird and funny. Archie the strongest man in the word, who lived in a latrine, and didn't Nona always wear a cast on her forearm?
Did anyone else ever wonder why she had a perpetually broken arm? Do you remember the episode when she moved there and pasted pictures of everything from her old house over everything at he new house ... like she took a million pictures of the siding at her old house and covered the new one with them, I remember thinking it was sooo sad at the time rather than kinda weird....
But you can call me chisa chan.... or cheese.
Vote 'mute in '08! - because Paris Hilton and P. Diddy will both talk about it for months without acctually doing it themselves.
"Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."
When I thought of her name, Nona, the first thing that came to mind was her taping poloraids of her old house's siding to her new one! Hilarious- in that show's quirky strange humor.
Those were the days of real television! You Can't do That On Television...Hey Dude...Camp Anawana...DoubleDare...Ren&Stimpy...Rocko's Modern Life...Even though it wasn't extremely long ago. I know I'm missing some I can't remember.
kiloj757 wrote:Those were the days of real television! You Can't do That On Television...Hey Dude...Camp Anawana...DoubleDare...Ren&Stimpy...Rocko's Modern Life...
Ooooh I loved Rocko! So bizarre and cool! too bad they've cancelled it!
Did anyone else ever wonder why she had a perpetually broken arm?
I looked it up in the wikipedia and apparently she always wore the cast because she enjoyed scratching the itch that the cast created.
My .02---> I'm so glad the lg15 is better than the L&O setup. I watched the vids at the freewillow site because I'm planning on watching the show. Blah. Give me lg15 anyday.
The kidnapping premise is interesting though...I'll give them that much.
I just watched those vids... By far the creepiest and most stupidest thing...Ever.
HyeMew wrote:I wonder if Michelle (aka Miss Formerly on Pete & Pete) watched LG15 videos to help get into the part.
Let's not forget Hariet the Spy(Also Michelle). I love that movie.
With good ole Rosie before she came out and shaved half her head.
Michelle always played such cool characters as a kid and then she was all cute and dingy on buffy and it kinda made me mad.
But you can call me chisa chan.... or cheese.
Vote 'mute in '08! - because Paris Hilton and P. Diddy will both talk about it for months without acctually doing it themselves.
"Celebrate we will for life is short but sweet for certain."