This doesn't even deserve a reply but I'm a sucker for putting people in their place when they make ridiculous claims.
Morgan wrote:SO, if you throw Hyemew's Danielbeast "behind the scenes" "fanfiction" myspace in the middle, in the "safe zone" where it is acceptable for some reason.... explain why ANY Cassie is different from him. Please.
Girl, what is your problem?
I freaking said P. Monkey has trouble showing up to work because he's a drunk, and that the other stuffed animals are incredibly jealous of him and are plotting to kill him.
I don't see how the danielbeast "behind the scenes" blog could be taken any other way than a joke, not to mention do you really think my interpretation of the movies is that P. Monkey is a drunk with ego problems? That is hardly anything profound or worth studying.
On top of this, anyone at any forum KNOWS db blog is by me and if they think otherwise are quickly corrected.
Morgan wrote:Hyemew isn't affiliated with the creators, yet he gets the right to interpret the videos the way HE wants and writes FICTION about HIS point of view of Daniel's perspective. Therefore he can be apart of this forum? Well, let's just say Cassie really is fanfiction. Why can't this person have the same right as Hyemew and make videos about his own perspective on a side story?
Well if this isn't simple to explain.. 1. No one discusses the danielbeast blogs here, let alone in threads with over 70 pages in one day. It doesn't cause a hardship on the forum with people speculating wildly out of control. And I don't encourage people to give me their phone/social security number either with it. 2. What do you mean why should I not be allowed to post here? Your arguements are incorrect on two points. One you equate db blog with cassie. As stated, danielbeast blog is an exercise in the ridiculous. There is very little about it worth believing. And if people do, they will be quickly corrected otherwise. CASSIE on the otherhand operates in a renegade fashion leaving everyone disturbed or thinking she's real. I must admit I too am a little suspicious at how much the admins seem to almost encourage her. Whatever the case though, the major difference between someone writing about the series as I am (though am not "interpreting it and giving my perspective" as you claim) and someone stealthily carrying out a sketchy series of videos which purport to be real, leaving everyone in mass confusion and completely jacking the entire course of the discussion. We don't even discuss Bree here anymore, it's ALL Cassie.
SURELY you see the difference between db blog and cassie.