Well, I'm not at all familiar with English slang of any kind, but when I first watched it I was pretty sure that Gemma was saying, "
stay put and sink in the the pool!"
LGPedia says that it's 'soak', a term to dislike just as much (unless it's very common,
you tell me). She's telling them to go soak in the pool, then talks of that Olympics game?
missviolet wrote:
And plunging for distance just freaks me out. A bunch of rigid, dead looking bodies in a pool for 60 seconds...? Eeegh.
only hinting to Bree and Dan's death, imo.
Maybe she looks so cheerful because hey, she knows where they are, tells them to stay put, so The Order has the perfect chance to come and get them!
I've chills all over. this freaks me out almost as CiW does.
There's also the theory that claims Dan is scared of water since we've never seen him swim - are they planning to drown him?
And what's the point of 'wanker'?
it's a puppet, that's more stupid than actually insulting. inappropriate.