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Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:27 pm
by deagol
Killthesmiley wrote:dude forevermourn has been saying that for the past couple of hours...

was that completely out of coincidence??? Or was she saying look familiar because she figured it out
I'm not sure, I think she was taking a wild guess, and some of my findings seem to go in that direction so I tried working her guess into it. It isn't definite as there's no straightforward justification for the letter changes so far, just a hunch that sort of fits the pattern.

If it is "Look Familiar?" I would take notice of 2 things:
1. Of course, the question is asked about Gemma. So Tach recognized her and brother should be able to, as he's being asked the question, right?

2. Why the capital on ''Familiar' ? Would it indicate familiar more in the sense of a family relationship? I don't know, just a crazy idea.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:31 pm
by NASAboy
probably means nothing, but the number of names per letter in order=

3 6 8 9 2 4 4 3 4 6 3 8 8 4 1 5 1 9 16 12 3 4 3 1

maybe a hidden message? or code?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:33 pm
by Killthesmiley
NASAboy wrote:probably means nothing, but the number of names per letter in order=

3 6 8 9 2 4 4 3 4 6 3 8 8 4 1 5 1 9 16 12 3 4 3 1

maybe a hidden message? or code?
no the names are jsut in alphabetical order

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:13 pm
by Caslynn
Okay, for everyone who doesn't understand it, I'm going to do my best to explain
Xy Xy Xy Xy 20 XX XX Xy XX Xy XX XX XX 3f
Yyyy Yyyyyyyy?
It was figured out that Xy corresponds to the filenames on the Gemma videos that have one letter and one number, and that XX were the ones that had two letters.

So, Xy would = 1c 1f 4c 6b 6d and 6f, and XX would = 46 61 62 66 67 and 69

Translating that from hex to text,
Xy = L, k, m, and o
XX = F, a, b, f, g and i

So, using those letters, which can be duplicated, the first word would have four letters from the xy bunch, and the second word would have a mixture of letters from the two sets.

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn from the mess of letters into two words is the phrase "Look FamiLiar?" Of course, in this assumption, the letter r is completely unaccounted for. Maybe this is an error on the part of the PMs?

I find it interesting, looking at the puzzle, that the word "familiar" is capitalized "FamiLiar." This draws attention to the word liar, indicated that Gemma is lying. Shifty took the next obvious step and drew from that this phrase: "family liar."


Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:14 pm
by shifty
Updated the LGPedia with the drop info: ... tle=Drop_5

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:20 pm
by Killthesmiley
Caslynn wrote:Okay, for everyone who doesn't understand it, I'm going to do my best to explain
Xy Xy Xy Xy 20 XX XX Xy XX Xy XX XX XX 3f
Yyyy Yyyyyyyy?
It was figured out that Xy corresponds to the filenames on the Gemma videos that have one letter and one number, and that XX were the ones that had two letters.

So, Xy would = 1c 1f 4c 6b 6d and 6f, and XX would = 46 61 62 66 67 and 69

Translating that from hex to text,
Xy = L, k, m, and o
XX = F, a, b, f, g and i

So, using those letters, which can be duplicated, the first word would have four letters from the xy bunch, and the second word would have a mixture of letters from the two sets.

The only logical conclusion that can be drawn from the mess of letters into two words is the phrase "Look FamiLiar?" Of course, in this assumption, the letter r is completely unaccounted for. Maybe this is an error on the part of the PMs?

I find it interesting, looking at the puzzle, that the word "familiar" is capitalized "FamiLiar." This draws attention to the word liar, indicated that Gemma is lying. Shifty took the next obvious step and drew from that this phrase: "family liar."


this could bring up the tachyon sister debate again...

she could be hinting to Gemma being her sister (funny how Gemma remembers that family, but Bree doesn't acknowledge it), and that she was a constant liar.
Don't you guys think it's wierd that the order just "let" Gemma go. She left the why did they jsut "let" her go.
So maybe "brother", is acually brother (or cousin, or father, or a family relative of some sort) and she is saying..."hey look>>>there she is. What a complete utter liar>"

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:50 pm
by covedweller
What if the hex is anagrammed? I think that is what the layout of XX Xy for the hex pairs is (or else it makes it way too easy). :lol:

That would explain the invalid pairs.

Can any of the guesses be made from re-arranging the pairs?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:52 pm
by deagol
Changing the 1c 1f that wouldn't decode to 6c 6f gives you the two letters 'l' and 'o' needed for Look Familxxx. So the FamiLiar (family liar) theory could be in question.

Heck, it's all in question since we have no explanation for changing 1 into a 6, or the other x letters.

On another topic, who is ?
Seems like LGS had an encounter with him early on?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:17 pm
by Caslynn
my theory isn't exactly that bfg=air. my theory is that the letters that we've been given can repeat, not all have to be used but some can be used more than once. which is how i reused the a and the i in familiar. of course, i genuinely do not understand where the r keeps coming from.

also, i am further led to believe that the word is familiar, given
We look forward to finding out the results, once we decode what Tachyon left behind
for her friends and "family" to recover.
from Op's profile. the "family" in quotes really makes me wonder.

however, until the phrase "Look FamiLiar?" is verified, I think we should keep from overanalyzing it, if only to keep Scalare from yelling at me in chat again :lol:

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:27 pm
by Scalare
whehe ;).
Yeah what I was saying is : lay off the meanings of "look familiar" for a while, until we have really solved the XX Xy puzzle. Because as of now, we only have guesses.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:24 pm
by Auramoth
I hate working somewhere without internet access.

I'm not on the list, wheeee! The rest of you are totally screwed. *giggles*

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:49 pm
by blessedsophia
shifty wrote:File 'X' was just opened. The password was "thirty"

Inside is a file named:

Inside it is a long string of 0's,1's,2's, and 3's.
EDIT: derr, nm.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:00 pm
by blessedsophia
ForeverMourn wrote:
martha wrote:I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure she just started pretty recently.
So Early gameplay list goes out the window.
It's a list of those who've had YT correspondence with Op, plus some forum names. My alternate YT account is listed there, and the only thing I ever used it for was one message to Op over a month ago.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 8:02 pm
by Luv2Luvem
blessedsophia wrote: It's a list of those who've had YT correspondence with Op, plus some forum names. My alternate YT account is listed there, and the only thing I ever used it for was one message to Op over a month ago.
Right, specifically, correspondence at the time of Tach's break-in. At least that is Op's opinion.

Re: [Drop Recovery] Sea Bowl Drop 12/3/06

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:30 pm
by Nieriel.Manwathiel
ladron121 wrote:Here is all the info. As for the locker situation, this is what happened: someone called the bowling alley without my knowledge, posing as my "girlfriend" and telling the manager that I would be coming by to locker 112 to pick up her stuff. We never had confirmation of the locker number or combo. So instead of being able to check the lockers without hindrance and try a multiple combos/lockers, I had the manager at my side the entire time. I had to try to play into a story that I had no knowledge of, eventually telling him my "girlfriend" screwed me over and got me tied up in some crazy on-line scavenger hunt. I tried several lockers, every possible locker/combo that the chat was suggesting. Nothing came of it. Finally, OpAphid e-mailed Luv2LuvEm and told her that the locker situation was a dead end. This is when I went home.

I do not blame the person for trying to assist, but a heads-up would have been nice :)

Video of Package Recovery:

I took video with my camera, but now that I am uploading everything from
my camera, the video is missing. I have taken pics of the area, which are
posted below. I apologize, I have no idea what happened with the video. ... psign1.jpg ... psign2.jpg ... psign3.jpg ... build1.jpg ... build2.jpg ... build3.jpg ... onrock.jpg

Item 1 - Shark Puppet: ... shark1.jpg ... shark2.jpg ... shark3.jpg

The shark puppet was turned inside out, searched stem to stern. Nothing
hidden inside, no marks or writing. Is made by pappa geppetto, a
subsidiary of Manhattan Toys.

Item 2 - Post Card:

The card is from a different manufacturer than the others. This one was
made by Paperchase, says under that "PRINTED IN THE UK". ... roppc1.jpg ... roppc2.jpg

47 4c 41 44 20 59 4f 55 20 46 49 4e 41 4c 4c
59 20 55 4e 44 45 52 53 54 4f 4f 44 20
4d 59 20 4d 45 53 53 41 47 45 2e 20 44 4f
4e 27 54 20 46 4f 4c 4c 4f 57 20 55 50 20
41 20 53 4d 41 52 54 20 4d 4f 56 45 20
57 49 54 48 20 41 20 53 54 55 50 49 44 20
4f 4e 45 2e 2e 2e 41 4e 44 20 57 48 41
54 45 56 45 52 20 59 4f 55 20 44 4f 2c
20 44 4f 4e 27 54 20 47 4f 20 48 4f 4d
45 2e

Translates to -


Item 3 - Origami Crane (Pics are of unfolded, to view number 30 inside): ... opswan.jpg

I apologize, the only image I had of the crane in its folded form was in
the video, which seems to have disappeared from my camera. It was an
ordinary origami paper crane.

Item 4 - Irish Blessings (Mini Book): ... pbook1.jpg ... pbook2.jpg

Text of the Post-it (posted on page 120, between pages 120 & 121) -

I know I messed
a lot of things
up. But cheer up,
because if my hunch
is right, it all might
make sense really


Text of Page 120:

It's easy to be pleasant
When life flows by like a
But the man worthwhile is
the one who can smile
When everything goes dead

Text of page 121:

For the test of the heart is
And it always comes with
An the smile that is worth
the praises of earth
Is the smile that shines
through the tears.

Text of Page 112:

May St. Patrick guard you
You go and guide you in
Whatever you do -
may his loving
Protection be a blessing to you

Page 30 is a picture of a wooded area, no buildings. No marks on this page.

I have inspected each page, no dog earred pages or worn areas of the binding
that would show that we are to pay attention to any other pages.

Item 5 - SD Card: ... dropsd.jpg

2 Files on the card, one is named 373a3135 and is 46599 kb, the other is
only named X and is 3kb

373a3135 hex -> text = 7:15

You are to add .rar to both files, both are password protected. Here are the links:

2 things;

who was the "girlfriend"??
also, another simpsons reference!! in a educational reel in the episode where lisa becomes a vegetarian, it shows a shark eating a gorilla.

this could spell doom for p.monkey!

or maybe show that someone was in bree's position b4, but instead of a beloved purple monkey, they had a favorite blue shark.