Supposedly "Elohim" means God in the bible, but the websites that support the alien theory say that the meaning is actually Gods. (i.e. more than one and they're aliens) and that there is a cover-up of it's true meaning
Which I find interesting....because you know how htey have LDS in the "religion" section? Yes, Mormons are Christian (we're not going to argue that one...they are...they just aren't Modern Christians) but they (as do many other Christian sects) that there is a godhead, the Trinity...that they are three separate beings. (Yes, I know that other CHristians don't feel that way...we're not debating that.)
Also, with Mormons, they believe that people can progress and become Gods themselves someday. Could it be that having LDS in there, while it doesn't seem to fit at all, could simply be a clue pointing us to a certain direction?
This is actually pretty interesting since they believe in a more ancient Christianity...and other more modern sects that the three in the godhead as separate people...which would go along with the idea that
1) The Elohim are more than one
2) Many of the religions on earth are various parts of the truth and the different prophets are all messengers of the Elohim
which would also explain how many of the world's religions have very similar major events and in their scriptures.
Although...yeah....we don't want to "muck" up this thread anymore. It's just that my husband's viewing of thie video took me to the Raelians, and a lot of their terminoligy is eerily fitting to the series.