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Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:24 am
by kiteaura
does any one else see the small plastic chef guy slowly poke into screen on the last few screens? i swear, that thing gave me the shivers.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:26 am
by alysaface
wtf! that's creepy! did you photoshop that in there?
edit:: whoa wtf! you didn't
what the heck is that thing?
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:29 am
by lookinginonyou
Ok, I don't really have nothing new to add other than my first reaction to the title. I read Kicked Out and thought Daniel had posted another video. I thought he and Bree were kicked out of the house for some reason or another. Just adding that in.
I also think the theory of buying time to get away from Jonas is good, but I don't know how I feel about him being bad. I guess we'll find out as more videos are posted.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:44 am
by voyboy
alysaface wrote:wtf! that's creepy! did you photoshop that in there?
edit:: whoa wtf! you didn't
what the heck is that thing?
I know LOL..I am not trying to stir shit either lol i want to know what it is! If its the Pillsburry Doughboy fine! Just tell me!
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:47 am
by redheaddiva
voyboy wrote:alysaface wrote:wtf! that's creepy! did you photoshop that in there?
edit:: whoa wtf! you didn't
what the heck is that thing?
I know LOL..I am not trying to stir shit either lol i want to know what it is! If its the Pillsburry Doughboy fine! Just tell me!
It's one of those butt-ugly chef statues that you sometimes see in people's kitchens. Usually they're holding a little chalkboard that you can write on. They're supposed to be kitschy, but I find them a little scary.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:51 am
by Ziola
My hubby is obsessed with the Pillsbury Dough Boy. We have them all over our kitchen and I can't really complain, because he does most of the cooking...
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:54 am
by voyboy
nobackspacebutton wrote:Lilys:
Fassbinder film is it? the one-armed man walks into a flower shop and says: what flower expresses days go by and they just keep going by endlessly pulling you into the future. days go by endlessly
endlessly pulling you into the future. and the florist says:
white lily.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:56 am
by redheaddiva
voyboy wrote:What Fassbinder film is it? the one-armed man walks into a flower shop and says: what flower expresses days go by and they just keep going by endlessly pulling you into the future. days go by endlessly
endlessly pulling you into the future. and the florist says: white lily.
Too bad it's orchids in the video. Still, much love to you for knowing your Laurie Anderson!
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:58 am
by silvermoon
voyboy wrote:nobackspacebutton wrote:Lilys:
Fassbinder film is it? the one-armed man walks into a flower shop and says: what flower expresses days go by and they just keep going by endlessly pulling you into the future. days go by endlessly
endlessly pulling you into the future. and the florist says:
white lily.
Laurie Anderson!
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:04 pm
by solrac_krad
Mos of our theories are pure crazyness without facts, anyway, we need the characters to move, or new info, along with more character developement
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:05 pm
by silvermoon
solrac_krad wrote:Mos of our theories are pure crazyness without facts, anyway, we need the characters to move, or new info, along with more character developement
I second that.
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:10 pm
by Luv2Skydive
silvermoon wrote:solrac_krad wrote:Mos of our theories are pure crazyness without facts, anyway, we need the characters to move, or new info, along with more character developement
I second that.
No doubt.....I'm sick of seeing the 3 of them just rot in that frigging house. How about being a little proactive? I swear, I think we are more proactive than they are!
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:12 pm
by silvermoon
Luv2Skydive wrote:
No doubt.....I'm sick of seeing the 3 of them just rot in that frigging house. How about being a little proactive? I swear, I think we are more proactive than they are!
Yep! I just posted about this a page or 2 back...either they are going to mooch and hide for the rest of their lives, or they need to get off their buns and get busy! Let's go, people! Do something already!
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:14 pm
by itsreallyreal
Well Here is my take for what it (may not be) woth... lmfai
OK so... I think that it is xclear Daniel has never had ALLOT of friends... But he did have SOME because he and Bree hung out with them...
It would seem in the madness that Jonus has stepped up as a friend for Daniel... Then again he has not had many friends either (from what we can tell...)
And neither has Bree...
So it is safe to say that the interactions they are all having with eachother right now are by far the most intimate and n depth interpersonal relationships they have had to date...
I think that when you get too many "unsocialized" people together they eventually act like dogs. Lashing out and missunderstanding all the signals and signs being put out...
As for his gayness... I am not convinced yet... I think he could still be a charmer or super pimp in disguise...
I think that pehaps Bree and Daniel had a great dinner... Went upstairs and had a great and long talk about "what's going on" and decided it best not to jump in the sack right away...
But they are like TOTALLY BF and GF ansd stuff cuz they luz eachotherz SOOOOooo Muchorz!...
Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:22 pm
by Inigo
I think those white lilies are the creators whay of telling us that Bree's purity is still intact.