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Re: gamejacking

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:50 am
by Broken Kid
calphilips wrote:Any ideas on contacting/ influencing Daniel?
Folks have had feedback when leaving comments or personal messages to Bree through YouTube. So theoretically, we could contact Daniel through his YT site. I'd suggest private mail moreso than comments, though, since it's tough to wade through the junk in those.

I don't know if anyone has had communication with Daniel. That's a good idea, though. We should show our support!

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 7:50 am
by lordgreystoke422
Nora Volkova wrote:
twjaniak wrote:

Would you prefer that his clothing, after having pressed through thick brush and brambles, had been tattered to ribbons that barely covered his frame?

Sounds like a winner to me!!! :wink: That's what I call fanservice!

Also -- regarding the position of the sun not changing.

The metareason, I'm sure, was not to have to make Yousef wait about for a couple of hours. So it's probably just a handwave.

BUT if you wanted, you could also fanwank this that Lucy wasn't waiting out there for two hours *at all.* Daniel already knows that Bree saw his earlier stalker video, and now out of spite or desperation is trying to mess with her and make her nervous about Lucy. We see in Bree's newest response that she doesn't appear fazed by Daniel's off the cuff "what is lucy doing sitting around for two hours" comment. Perhaps Bree *also* noticed that the sun position didn't change at all.
The more likely explanation is that they didn't want to sit around filming dead air for 2 hours.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:06 pm
by elDes
Hmmmm wrote:Except that although the age of consent in Cali is 18, elsewhere it's as low as 14 (with parental consent for marriage, which Bree would obviously have if it was Hieros Gamos). In several states Bree is of consenting age, even without p.c. I'm not saying it's palatable, but I wouldn't call it pedophilia. ... tchart.htm
There could also be a guy of her age in her religious group that could be givin' it to her. It doesn't have to be some crusty old dude.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:13 pm
by khjq
I don't know if this means anything, but I noticed that the color red was filmed 4 different odd times, first, is when Lucy was driving away with Bree, the camera focused in on the red flowers. Second, is the Yield sign, third is red lights, and fourth is the curb. I think the color red is actually of some Significance.

Being the color of blood, red was associated in Roman mythology with the god of war, Mars.

Red is the color of the passion (emotion), romance and sex.

In Christianity, red represents the color of fire and so symbolizes the presence of God.

In some East Asian countries, the names of the deceased are written in red ink in a Book of the Dead.

Re: one more

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:16 pm
by elDes
calphilips wrote:Oh, one more thought..

I believe there were comments about her getting thinner, as well as she needing to lose weight and such..

Not something you would do if you wanted to get pregnant...?
I'd always thought that being too thin could prevent you from getting pregnant..
And iron pills?
They don't even have iron in Women's One a Day.. Bad for the fetus..

Ok.. that's all.
i don't remember anyone saying anything about her 'needing to be thinner', i remember bree saying that she needed to 'go on a diet' which doesn't necessarily mean to lose weight, it could mean a special diet in which she either excludes or includes certain foods for a specific reason. No meat on Fridays, Muslims don't eat pork.... get where i'm going with this?