sphinx wrote:itsreallyreal wrote:I agree Sphinx that responding is not trolling.. rsponding is feeding the troll...
True, but when the original flame is causing a direct negative affect on the game... well let's just say sometimes venting is a healthy thing.
HAHAhahahaha... I won't argue that!...
I was just supporting Lilly's point is all...
I have a whole other forum where I "Vent" aka Talk trash on some of the users here that have upset me... It's great and it doesn;t ruine my time here...
Another thing to avoid is dragging Drama from one thread into another... Just because we are arguing in General doesn't mean we have to argue in Plot... Not saying anyone has... just reinforcing the whole "Self MOD" thing...
One thing I WILL say though...
If the MOD's and ADMIN are interested in forum growth then this current culture is counter productive...
If you are TOO loyal to the people that were there when it began it will become their playhouse and no one will want to ever come around and stay...
If you moderate a balance and creat an equal playing field with out cencoring every little thing then you can grow because the newbs will feel welcomed...
Some times the "Business as Usual" has to change in order for growth to take place. And when there is change there is ALWAYS resistance and even fall out...
I have no clues to offer you... But I know how to download if you're offering!!!