Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:50 pm
I am reposting some things here that both Moondoogle and I noticed on the comments page. Don't count Jonas out yet! That thing might just have been made by a jealous Daniel!
Moondoogle said:
Jonas isn’t part of OpAphid.
The symbol she held up was the ‘Pi’, the symbol with two legs.
The Watcher symbol holds the ‘Mu’, or three-legged.
Seems to me that there is more than one organization. Jonas is part of it, but I don’t think he’s the bad guy.
Y’think Daniel may have dropped it?
krig said:
Notice that the symbol on Jonas’s bookmark/popsicle stick thing is the Theta over Pi symbol, rather than the Theta over Mu symbol that was tattooed on Watcher hands, etc. It has been speculated (in hte ARG forum) that these symbols might reference different branches of the Order. Thoughts? Does this mean Jonas and his family were in a different part of the Order or held a different rank than the foot soldier/Watcher guys?
krig said:
Oh, and Moondoogle, I just noticed that you said that maybe Daniel dropped that thing and she found it. You are right, we don’t really know the context in which it was found….it may be a plant to drive Bree away from the safety of Jonas. Nothing is ever certain around here!