Well, I suppose it is possible to find these locations if someone were persistent enough. I don't think the park is as burdeining a task probably since it is quite a popular park in L.A. I myslf have been to that park before but didn't pinpoint the location. It is possible I guess, that if I had chosen to further diagnosticate the situation I would have started my search in that particular viscinity, taking into account the likelyhood of these videos being shot within a reasonable radius of the actors & creators location.
The Swimming hole, atleast to me, seems like more of a ball-buster, that's just my opinion. There is an ample mountainous region here in L.A and plenty of hiking treks stuffed throughout that look like the place in the video. The "lake" in the video is really no more then a small cloacked water-logged area about as conspicous as can be. I think people get the wrong impression from the video, seemingly a more open and bigger area then it really is(speaking of the swimming hole). I personally would not know where to even start to feel out this place.
I guess there is a small particularity of this location and it's the river/creak itself and it's encompassing rock-ribbed surroundings.
Really is the only identifiable aspect in the shots. This is really the only factor but even in this case the area is vast and the actual drop was not at all distinctive but rather pretty low key.
Again if one were persistent enough and bent on finding this place anything is possible, though luck would have to play a big part.
I would pretty much definitevely assert that the person or persons must have immediately recognized this location(having been there before)or have inside knowledge. If not the case, the amount of dedication and work it would take to hunt down this "drop in the ocean" would be commendable and rather maniacle.
When you take into account all of this it seems highly unlkely that this is the work of a maniacle lg15 fan and moreso of a related fellowship or someone with inside knowledge and probably filmmakers themselves.
If it's not lg15 related individual(s) then it would be the work of a rather calculated and professional team of schoizoids lol who would appear be seriously demented and dangerous. Just my opinion though take it for what it is I'm no expert on the issue.
Don't just think about being able to identify the locations, what about the videos themselves? the production quality, the similarity between the lg15 videos and ciw. Correct me if I'm wrong but didnt cassie inclusively walk down the exact same path Bree did in her swimming video? hmm I don't know I'm almsot certain this is the lg15 creators themselves. Remember one of them is a "Web-obsessed" person, wouldn't put it past 'em do do something like this, who else would have conjured up this lg15 thing to begin with? But then again, I don't know anymore the whole is so crazy to me, and nothing would really surprise me anymore.
Flautapantera wrote:I second the love of your avatar, Charlotte. It's so cute!
I've actually been harboring feelings toward it for a while...I love it!
I get carried away watching him dance.. and then realise I'm swaying along too.. he's ace!
Concerning the drops, what with Cassies persistence over waiting for the 1st, where are you all expecting it? Do you think Daniel's new video is going to be key in this? I know he zoomed in on the Give Way (Is that yield? Hmm I dont know sorry) sign, and there were clues about the location. I think the house could be too obvious, and intrusive to the neighbours.
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i think they are making the outdoor videos now very general like so ciw team doesnt find them that eassily, maybe they are shooting them in a different area far from the first ones, who knows.
or maybe they are just making us wait big time and watch us go nuts over it.