Garden of roses:
Strange that the ceremony has to do with a woman - they are trying to create life . . . and the wYman foundation is woman with a Y chromosome.
What? Where on the website did it say that the woman had to have a Y chromosome?
Women who have the karyotype of XY or ( which is actually the normal karyotype for males) have a gentical abnomality such that the information form the Y chromosome does nto get expressed properly. Women who present a karyotype of XY can be subclassified(depending on the phenotypic manifestation of the genetic abnormalities) into several groupings of syndromes. The most common of these syndromes are Turners' Syndrome and Swyer Syndrome.
Turners Syndrome normally ocurrs when the SRY gene( Sex-determining Region Y---located on the Y chromosome) has been damaged or ( more commonly) is missing, which prevents the developement of male hormones and physical characteristics. A female with XY karyotype will exhibit normal female characteristics until the normal age of puberty. At purberty the female with XY karyotype will normally not present characteristics specific to females( ie breast developement, menstration). Turner syndrome is normally associated with many physical defects and some developemental disabilities.---none of which Bree has.
Women with Turners Syndrom are normally sterile. Therefore, they cannot have children because their ovaries actually lack the ability to develope and function properly due to the lack of effecient hormonal production. The severity of the ovaries ability to function can differ between females.
Swyer Syndrome is similar to turners syndrome, but normally the SRY locus on the Y chromosome is just not functioning properly. Contrary to Turner's SYndrome, at birth XY-females with Swyer Syndrome may actually present a very small penis(micropenis) that may look like an enlarged clitoris. Females with Swyer Syndrome will have normal physical characterisics of females until puberty. During what should be the normal onset of puberty, females with Swyer Syndrome will present amenorrhea. THis is due to the fact the SRY gene has produced male gonadal tissue but the rest of the Y chromosome lacks the appropriate information to further the testicular developement. Therefore, a female with Swyer Syndrome is sterile because they actually lack ovaries.
The Y chromosome actually on has a few dozen functional genes. The genes that are specific to the Y chromosome( not duplicated in another form on the X chromosome) are strictly dedicated to the developement of the male gender and male characteristics. I do not see how a Y chromosome could have anything to do with what the HoO is doing....especially because they have been using females for this 'ceremony'.
If the ceremony actually does pertain exclusively to women, then it is likely that the genetic "trait" that the HoO are looking for is actually an X-linked (related to the X chromosome) genetic product of some kind.
Also....can someone remind me how we know that the HoO are trying to creat life? DId I go ADD again?
HOWEVER........making her 'trait negative' is not even a possibility until/if Bree comes back. lol