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Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:32 pm
by Owljornan
I think Bree is scared of the ceremony and maybe Lucy is brain-washing her into thinking that everything will be okay.If the virgin sacrifice thing (which would explain her parent's over-protectiveness with Daniel),then I think maybe Lucy is trying to help Bree come to ease with Death.Like "Don't fear the Reaper" ya know?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:31 am
by xenocide
I really don't think that Bree is aware of it, if that's what is going to happen at the ceremony.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:39 pm
by grlinterupted1
Did a paper on how culture uses interchangable terms, one of the best examples of this is with the use of "satan and lucifer" - it was really neat. While it may depend on "who" you ask, in general even if they use the term interchangable they do accept that they are diffrent enties on there own. Anyway when I did the paper I found a couple of really good articals on the subject - For better understanding for us all. ... angel.html

( the second one is the best) Please look at it -

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:45 am
by Nora Volkova
Both of those specifically reference Christian folklore and Christian interpretations of Isaiah.

Jewish interpretation of Isaiah is very different, especially as evidenced by the fact that Jews understand Isaiah to have been discussing the times and events of his day, not to be prophesying about a future messiah who would not show up for another several hundred years.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 6:28 am
by ravensgrace
This is my favorite article on the subject.

Here's the opposing viewpoint. ... e0704.html

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:27 am
by grlinterupted1
I am just saying I don't know that you can use them the same

What if you were not looking at the right context and that would mess up a theroy... seriously. Whatever is going on with it, they have done the reseach and in reseach one wrong turn can mess you up for hours.

words matter... esp. when it is not person to person interaction...

In The Video Daniel Crossed The Line Listen close at the end

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:04 am
by TotallyLost
In that video she mentions about daniel exceptin her at first and at the end he does not ok one thing i found her say in general was about a girl making ease towards the whole ceramony ok the one tag she mentioned is Sable That tag i googled it yes it is an animal whos fur is used in fine arts brushes but wat most of us may have missed is it is also a lesbian magazine idk just a thought but take a look for yourself :idea: let me kno wat you think...