I keep the chat open, I log it. I check the forums. I can assure you there is far more useful information the forums than in the chat. Chat is less organized, harder to keep up w/ and contains a lot of "fluff".
There is no reason anyone shouldn't be able to get into chat. If you are someplace that doesn't allow chat then you are probably someplace that would not want you in the forums if they knew you were here b/c you are at work or school and they want you to y'know,
do some work ;D If your comp can't run java then I don't see how you got here at all since your comp is so deficient that YT should be a far off dream to you.
It is inefficient to do hashing through in the forums, period. But the only information anyone is keeping from you is the stuff that Op told them to. Chat users are excited when they actually think of something worthwhile and rush off to post it on the forum.
What you miss is stuff like this.
03:35] <horcruxes> traveler
[03:36] * horcruxes throws tomatoes at traveler
[03:36] <acidfingers> way to PING TIMEOUT Traveler!
[03:36] <tiltingwindward> Good call, Minty!
[03:36] <tiltingwindward> Put it on the forums!
[03:36] * ^Minty^ gives traveler a gift basket.
[03:36] <^Minty^> i cant post in forums!?!?
[03:36] * tiltingwindward gives Minty a gold star
[03:36] <tiltingwindward> Why not?
[03:36] <^Minty^> it wont let me log in ::(
[03:36] <tiltingwindward> I'll do it
[03:36] <acidfingers> Traveler is from the UK by the way
[03:36] <acidfingers> no way that's op
[03:36] <^Minty^> thanks tilting
[03:36] <horcruxes> tacky has some TACKY ASS HAND WRITING
[03:36] * Traveler (n=traveler@82-43-194-*.cable.ubr08.newm.blueyonder.co.uk) Quit (Client Quit)
[03:36] * romanceismusic (n=romancei@c-71-56-229-*.hsd1.co.comcast.net) has joined #OperationAphid
[03:36] <horcruxes> oops
[03:36] <^Minty^> thats BOYS handwriting.
[03:36] <horcruxes> romanceee
[03:36] <acidfingers> hey romance!
[03:36] <^Minty^> aka chicken scratch
[03:36] <helix52> hey romance =)
In which we learn that Tachyon has bad handwriting.
Can we please stop going on about this?
*Edit: Removed a portion of everyone's IP address -Ravensgrace