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Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:56 am
by Glory285
im thinking that it has to be a bit more obvious, something we're overlooking, usually the clues are there, and the last time GPS was pretty easy to figure out, im really thinking that there's something we're missing

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:57 am
by mourningbelle
nevermind. :)

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:58 am
by goodonpaper
The password is SASCHA in all caps.
This leads to a file 4e494c49 *
When opened you get this: AN LQUIYHL UOE ZAV KA A DIXG YIH IL QBT

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 12:59 am
by Glory285
how on earth did you figure SASCHA ???

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:03 am
by goodonpaper
The first file leads to Gemma's video "They Disappeared..." about that girl from the commune whose family disappeared and left everything behind. Her dog's name was Sasha, which I tried without luck.

I logged onto the IRC chat and someone else typed the correct spelling: SASCHA.

I can't take the credit for figuring it out. The chat's where all the action is, I just reported the news.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:06 am
by Glory285
thats a definite? it sounds a little, cassieiswatching weird to me... i dont like the gramar. lol :roll:

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:07 am
by acidfingers
The video on the SD card was actually They Disappeared... from Gemma. One of the tags in the video (which she also talks about in the video) is sascha. We tried this and it was the password to the rar.

In the rar was a data file named "4e494c49" which translates in hex to "NILI" the contents of the file was a string of characters: "AN LQUIYHL UOE ZAV KA A DIXG YIH IL QBT"

Since there were so few vowels in that, we thought it couldn't be an anagram, so we tried a vigenere cipher using the key sascha again and it decoded into "in tonight she had it a life rip it out"

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:10 am
by Glory285
acidfingers wrote:The video on the SD card was actually They Disappeared... from Gemma. One of the tags in the video (which she also talks about in the video) is sascha. We tried this and it was the password to the rar.

In the rar was a data file named "4e494c49" which translates in hex to "NILI" the contents of the file was a string of characters: "AN LQUIYHL UOE ZAV KA A DIXG YIH IL QBT"

Since there were so few vowels in that, we thought it couldn't be an anagram, so we tried a vigenere cipher using the key sascha again and it decoded into "in tonight she had it a life rip it out"
thank you. im glad someone explained. :shock: i was like, wtf?! how'd they figure sascha? weird. but ya, whats that line supposed to mean?
"in tonight she had it a life rip it out"

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:31 am
by ladron121

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:34 am
by brandoblues
setauket can anagram to

UK estate

with gemma and all, never know

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:51 am
by katz31
This makes me think of an abortion:


Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:56 am
by Absynth
brandoblues wrote:setauket can anagram to

UK estate

with gemma and all, never know
hehe also
more egypt anyone?

im not sure any of us know why setauket was included yet. im goin to go read the art of peace and going to bed though.

thanks again Lad!
and quick posting too:)
we got soo much done and its only 12:30 am here, thats a first for a drop night, i may not have to call in to work tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:42 am
by deagol
Absynth wrote: ...
im not sure any of us know why setauket was included yet.
It has to be about the Setauket spies, aka as Culper Ring.
[George] Washington made sure that these spies had more support. [...] he provided them with codes, invisible ink, dead drops, and aliases.
We have codes, aliases (remember that list), and, of course, dead drops. Op has dismissed the use of invisible ink, but I remain open minded.

From a more extensive article,
"Nancy" Strong, as she was known by friends and neighbors, hung her laundry from the line in a code formation to direct Woodhull to the correct location. A black petticoat was the signal that Brewster was nearby, and the number of handkerchiefs scattered among the other garments on the line showed the meeting place.
I doubt "Nancy" is a coincidence, as well as the signals in code. Tach should learn from Nancy, her codes are too obvious. I know that most of us "decoders" would get distracted if she started posting pics of her laundry ;)

The Nili article has some interesting paralels as well,
In the fall of 1917, one of these pigeons was caught by the Turks, who were able to decrypt the Nili code (based on Hebrew, Aramaic, French and English) within one week. As a result the Turks were able to unravel the spy network.
Well I hope Tach's code doesn't involve all those languages, but Op is defenitely acting the Turk side in that story. Finally,
In October 1917, the Turks surrounded Zichron Yaakov and arrested numerous people, including Sarah, who managed to commit suicide after four days of torture.
This Sarah and her brother Aaron Aaronsohn were the Nili leaders. Tachyon's language in the postcard "I know what I have to do. I don't expect him to understand, but I hope he can forgive me someday" sounds like she's prepared to commit suicide if caught.

The only part left seems to be the IN TONIGHT... thing. If that's a monster of an anagram I'll hate Tachyon forever.

The book seems in the same vein as the previous ones, sort of like making us aware of her philosophy or a training manual.

Ok, great job everyone. Sorry I couldn't join you in IRC.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:46 am
by covedweller
Deagol, did we have The Culper Ring on our list of agencies that used #s for code names?

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:46 am
by briska06
acidfingers wrote:The video on the SD card was actually They Disappeared... from Gemma. One of the tags in the video (which she also talks about in the video) is sascha. We tried this and it was the password to the rar.

In the rar was a data file named "4e494c49" which translates in hex to "NILI" the contents of the file was a string of characters: "AN LQUIYHL UOE ZAV KA A DIXG YIH IL QBT"

Since there were so few vowels in that, we thought it couldn't be an anagram, so we tried a vigenere cipher using the key sascha again and it decoded into "in tonight she had it a life rip it out"
Could NILI be translated by the cipher as well? Just a thought.