smurfswim wrote:I think you should have the sex talk. I know it seems early, but my little half-brother nearly got suspended from school after he was found making out with a girl when he was 11. Not only was he embarrassed, if someone didn't step in, he might have gotten the bad girl pregnant. Girls aren't responsible enough to handle birth control, etc. until much older, and I think kids are experimenting at young ages now.
Thanks, I've got an application for military school now. The Alaska Military Youth Academy is looking pretty good right now.
Seriously though.....I've been asking other parents about THE TALK....they haven't had it yet either. My parents sat me down at age 9 WITH books (my dad was a nurse) and I had to pretend like I didn't have a clue even though I think I could have given them a few tips from being told things by friends and relatives.