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Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 1:52 pm
by Ruberic
Ok, the ARG is not dead....has a little brain wave activity still (very little...figthing over useless picture images like we did with the warpylol video little....).
The OpAphid tread and players are getting to be like the Swiss Army. Well trained, lots of usefull equipment...but utterly freaking useless and unused.
*Grabs defibrilator, begins to charge to 320 joules* After I shock myself and top my heart...feel free to use it on yourelf.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 2:25 pm
by deagol
[14:27] *** deagol has joined #jokeopaphid.
[14:27] <Ziola> deags!!
[14:27] <JewelyBug> hi deagol
[14:28] <deagol> hi Z
[14:28] <deagol> love that "rehab 4 quitters" pic
[14:28] <deagol> hi jewely
[14:29] * deagol rolls eyes at subject ^^
[14:29] <deagol> ...
[14:30] *** deagol is now known as mean_deagol.
[14:30] <horcruxes> mean_deagol? lol
[14:30] <mean_deagol> ok everyone, i gotta say this...
[14:30] * JewelyBug eye-stabs horc
[14:31] <SadPanda> What is it dear
[14:31] * mean_deagol cant take it anymore
[14:31] <mean_deagol> u guys r all acting like a bunch of whiny babies!
[14:31] <mean_deagol> lol
[14:32] <mean_deagol> there, ive said it
[14:32] * MaxZyrix lawls
[14:32] <MaxZyrix> yay deagol!
[14:32] <mean_deagol> well its so true
[14:33] <mean_deagol> i mean, what the hell is everyone harping on about
[14:33] * JewelyBug stabs mean_deagol and runs to a corner
[14:33] <mean_deagol> "ooh, im bored, the arg is in life support... no no its dead, we gotta mourn"
[14:33] <mean_deagol> boo-f-ing-hoo
[14:34] <SadPanda> Oh dear, he's gone mad
[14:34] * tiltingwindward laughs
[14:34] * SadPanda is deeply worried
[14:34] <mean_deagol> just a sec panda
[14:34] *** ladron121 has joined #jokeopaphid
[14:35] <SadPanda> Lad, save us!
[14:35] <ladron121> hi
[14:35] <ladron121> what from panda
[14:36] <mean_deagol> cmon guys
[14:36] <SadPanda> deagol is being mean
[14:36] <ladron121> that doesn't surprise me at all
[14:36] * ladron121 knows deagol is the devil
[14:36] <mean_deagol> theres a puzzle out there to work on, sheesh!
[14:36] * ladron121 fears puzzles
[14:37] <mean_deagol> werent y'all complaining just a couple of days ago that there werent puzzles in sight?
[14:37] <mean_deagol> and now in the face of DB's amazing stupidity of posting the "secret" message from Tachyon to Bree
[14:37] * Ziola agrees, but keeps her mouth shut
[14:37] <mean_deagol> out there on the friggin public internet for everyone to try breaking open
[14:38] <mean_deagol> so now you guys complain "boo a puzzle for daniel im so pissed"
[14:38] <mean_deagol> wtf? you sound as childish as jealous-beast crying "jonas hates me and i hate him"
[14:27] <JewelyBug> mean-deagol hawtness lol
[14:38] * ladron121 has an itchy foot on the pedal
[14:38] * mean_deagol is disgusted
[14:38] * mean_deagol pounds fist on table
[14:39] * tiltingwindward jumps
[14:39] <tiltingwindward> err, this is getting out of hand
[14:39] <mean_deagol> what's gotten into you all? this is no "sit-back-and-watch-it-unfold teenage soap for TV"
[14:39] <mean_deagol> this is a good old puzzle, with a pwd to figure out and a rar file to break open
[14:40] <mean_deagol> aww tilt just one last thing, u know i luvya <3 dont kick me
[14:40] *** SadPanda is now known as WorriedPanda.
[14:40] <mean_deagol> since when do we sit back and watch others get ahead?
[14:41] <mean_deagol> it can definitely affect what happens if we crack it first
[14:41] <mean_deagol> before tachy takes pity on them scoobies and starts giving them hints for the pw
[14:41] <Ziola> but we need hints
[14:41] <WorriedPanda> hints FTW!
[14:42] <mean_deagol> what secrets is tachy trying to pass along
[14:42] <mean_deagol> she may tease latch-key-kid all she wants, but im sure oppy would love to pry this open before they do
[14:42] <mean_deagol> of course it would have to change the story if we crack it and report to her
[14:42] <mean_deagol> and she somehow finds a way to take advantage of the info
[14:43] <mean_deagol> just imagine how pissed brees gonna be @daniel for posting it on the internet
[14:43] <mean_deagol> worst could happen is shes so mad she goes and makes out with jonas to get back at poor beast
[14:43] <MaxZyrix> lawl
[14:43] <mean_deagol> how cool would that be
[14:44] * horcruxes makes out with max
[14:44] <mean_deagol> or she might just send him back to op for some more pizza and spin art!
[14:44] <mean_deagol> well i say we gotta do this, who cares if its daniel's puzzle, we gonna steal it!
[14:45] * mean_deagol hears the crickets
[14:45] * Ziola claps once
[14:46] <mean_deagol> alright im done
[14:46] <mean_deagol> thx for the silent endorsement Z
[14:47] *** mean_deagol is now known as deagol.
[14:47] <deagol> sorry about that everyone
[14:47] <deagol> i had to get it out of my system
[14:49] <deagol> well i g2g now...
[14:49] <deagol> bye everyone... y'all can keep on bitchin now
[14:49] <JewelyBug> bye meanie
[14:49] *** deagol has quit IRC ("Java user signed off")
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:40 pm
by ladron121
How long did it take you to fake that?
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:33 pm
by Ziola
Dear god...someone please give Deagol something to do...and perhaps fill him in on a few things while they are at it...
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:28 pm
by Jewelybug
So I know im not the brightest crayon in the box... but it took me about 5 minutes to realize that he made that up.
im like "OMG wait. i don't remember saying any of that!.... but... i do like to stab people... so maybe..."
"wait... when WAS that?!... was someone on my nickname today!?!!??!?!"
Wow. im teh slow
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:32 pm
by Jewelybug
<JewelyBug> mean-deagol hawtness lol
i can see that. actually regular deagol is hawt in his own right.
Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:40 am
by diastres
[01:30] tiltingwindward: How's life here?
[01:30] diastres: There is no life here.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:57 am
by FallingIntoSin
I heard that I was needed in this here I am, SUPERFALL to the rescue!
Panda, I need to come into my office and answer a few questions...I've heard your struggling with life post-rehab? Rumors of you standing naked in the street, holding a brown paper bag, chanting "f**k REHAB, f**k OPAPHID" have been brought to my attention. Please know that whatever happens during our visit, acceptance is the answer to all your problems
Oh, and per my records you still have outstanding bill of $1250 for last months sessions...I'll need you to pay that balance before we can start our session.
Have a great day
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 11:17 am
by Sad Panda
First off ... I don't talk like that, deagol.
FallingIntoSin wrote:
Panda, I need to come into my office and answer a few questions...I've heard your struggling with life post-rehab? Rumors of you standing naked in the street, holding a brown paper bag, chanting "f**k REHAB, f**k OPAPHID" have been brought to my attention. Please know that whatever happens during our visit, acceptance is the answer to all your problems
Aw, come on. Who told on me?
If it makes a difference, I made $5.65 and half a sandwich that day.
FallingIntoSin wrote:
Oh, and Iper my records you still have outstanding bill of $1250 for last months sessions...I'll need you to pay that balance before we can start our session.
Have a great day
Please send all outstanding bills to ItsCassie. I blame her for my mental anguish.
Now give me my happy pills!
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:47 pm
by ladron121
FallingIntoSin wrote:
Oh, and Iper my records you still have outstanding bill of $1250 for last months sessions...I'll need you to pay that balance before we can start our session.
Have a great day
Sad Panda wrote:Please send all outstanding bills to ItsCassie. I blame her for my mental anguish.
Now give me my happy pills!
Correct me if I'm wrong here Fall, but isn't that classic drug seeking behavior?
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:57 pm
by chershaytoute
No, Lad, a classic drug seeker would never have accepted that half sandwich...
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:59 pm
by Ziola
Intervention time?
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:29 pm
by Sad Panda
ladron121 wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong here Fall, but isn't that classic drug seeking behavior?
Why are you always trying to get me committed?
You'll be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:36 pm
by chershaytoute
I'm on your side here, Panda. And I didn't even ask if you'd share the happy pills! <nodding firmly> (might later)
(I do have to admit, though, that those I-love-me jackets do make a really nice fashion statement with their pretty shiny buckles...) <glyph of spinning eyes>
Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:59 pm
by Sad Panda
chershaytoute wrote:I'm on your side here, Panda. And I didn't even ask if you'd share the happy pills! <nodding firmly> (might later)
(I do have to admit, though, that those I-love-me jackets do make a really nice fashion statement with their pretty shiny buckles...) <glyph of spinning eyes>
Shhhh ... don't remind them about the hugyourself jackets. They stuck me in one for a week once.
I can only hug myself for so long before I am ready to move onto the next activity.