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Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 1:39 pm
by girl4allseasons
Oh I love Love LOVE Twin Peaks. Especially First season, but I'm not one of those whose interest waned during Season Two. Heck, I even like Fire Walk With Me, and I KNOW I'm in the minority there.

The Children Of Anchor Cove actually reminds me of FWWM in many ways. The whole, last-however-many-days-leading-up-to-THE EVENT atmosphere. The difference being that we don't know what THE EVENT will be.

It was really the "In The Park" video that clinched the Bree/Laura connection for me. Of course Bree reminds me of Laura. Beautiful, intelligent, issues with her parents (particularly Dad), and her only real outlet being her diary (vlogs are pretty much public diaries). But in the "In The Park" video, when we started to see her very different behavior....something struck me when Daniel says "It's 10 o'clock and she usually...." To me it implied that Nighttime!Bree may be very different from Daytime!Bree. Or Early!Evening Bree. Remember in FWWM when Laura says "Nighttime is MY time" ?

Plus, they're both "filled with secrets". Sorry, had to jump on the TP bandwagon. :)

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:15 pm
by sandra8230
I voted A, I love her innocent girlishness. It's what makes her so cute and interesting.


Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2006 10:46 pm
by yoshi8710
i went with inbetween b and c.

not too many changes, but make her have alittle bit mor adventure

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 4:54 am
by freejunk
I hope the creators are keeping an eye on this poll!

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:12 pm
by JacksAndDouches
That poll is not all inclusive...I watch it because I was impressed at how they got so many people hooked without spending any money or anything. I appreciate the mission. Now I continue to watch just to look for clues. Who cares where the plot goes? Holla

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 3:18 pm
by AngBa
JacksAndDouches wrote:That poll is not all inclusive...I watch it because I was impressed at how they got so many people hooked without spending any money or anything. I appreciate the mission. Now I continue to watch just to look for clues. Who cares where the plot goes? Holla
ARG'ing is very addictive - because it's entertaining AND free - you can't get any better than that (whether this is an ARG or not :wink: )

Oh and I went w/ C

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 3:08 pm
by rogerthegeek
I knew they were acting from the very beginning but I couldn't help watching it because of all the controversy (fake, real, etc)....and now I watch it because of all the mistery and clues stuff........It's interesting and not knowing what is going to happen makes it even more interesting!!