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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:21 pm
by PolkadotConfederation
In my case, I only knew a few of the series nominees, and didn't care about the rest, so what I did was make sure that lonelygirl was number 1 on the list, and then I just ignored the rest, and left them as they were. So by not ranking the others, I was effecting the votes that they got. I think a lot of people ended up doing's just not an effective voting system. :?

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 4:10 pm
by JamieGilmour
HyeMew wrote:It was fixed.
You had to shuffle around everything you were voting for in order to indicate what places you wanted them in.
Ninja was first, and the 2nd and 3rd place things were listed second and third. LG was listed 4th and came in 4th.

What I think is at work here is an over-riding incorrect use/laziness of people who didn't want to watch all 70 videos and determine the exact order. I can't blame them, I certainly wasn't going to spend time doing all that, it'd take forever. Perhaps some people didn't even look at certain categories, like maybe did the first one and submitted.
This would weight the results to the initial order, explaining the results, and I think is an unforgivably blatant and downright ridiculous error on YouTube's part.
I know! It seemed weird how I'd vote her to the bottom and refresh and she was at 4 and I kept putting her to the bottom and it almost seemed like it wasn't even working so I said, "Oh well, I got the pleasure of voting" and a moved to the next category. I made sure that loca went to the bottom.

Hey, at least we get to see the girl we just know and love so dearly on the front page every day (well we as in whoever even goes to youtube here) and I certainly don't know of ask ninja gettng the top viewed daily so there is a plus side. :D