Since I had nothing better to do today, I tried, very unsuccessfully, to find out what happened on 10-12-04. This was referenced on a board called Raven. This board has a poster called "cassieiswatching" and she states on her post (this post is dated 9/19) "who is the imposter. you cannot help me. 10/12/04. 10/12/06"hophead wrote:I'm keeping up the faith for something really good on 10-12-06. Its not too far away.
I PM'd Raven from this board, thinking that this Raven board might be owned by him, but he said no. I need to go back through all the posts (it was on this board) where this Raven board was referenced and find out who referenced it and the address for the board. I'll be back in a bit and post this info.
In the meantime, if anyone can be more successful at figuring out the connection between 10/14/04 and 10/12/06, go for it. This may be absolutely nothing, and this ciw person posting is probably not even Cassie, but we've got nothing better to do as of late.
Be back soon with the info. I'll make it a new thread on this board. If you recall reading what I'm talking about, feel free to post it or PM me with the link to the post and save me the time of digging.