I think I love you <3
I didn't even think of including the flower, because it's much too common an image for me to find anything on. I really want to look them up...I'm really behind on my researching. XD
Edit: I'm thinking the circle of dots might be something having to do with the zodiac of denderah, but I can't count right now, way too tired...and numbers hate me in the firstplace.
Edited edit: Okay, so I found something about the wheat stalks, well two things actualy.
The first isn't quite so much:
"Cancer the Crab is represented by the Scarab Beetle. The figure of the Lion near the Scales (which is not the zodiacal Lion) is the constellation Centaurus. A man and a woman with joined hands represent Gemini. The Ram and the Bull are both reversed from their normal pose, and the figure of the Bull is complete, not the usual truncated (half) figure. The woman (Isis?) who holds a spike of wheat is an obvious representation of Virgo." Located
The second is a little more interesting.
"The individuals holding the pillar like objects, referred to as a bundle of wheat stalks, is a direct correspondence to the top of the galaxy, or the pillar of the cosmos, and the north pole, or the celestial pillar. These two pillars are measures of time, and they are closest to each other in the Predynastic Period, around 4500 BC, as the north pole transitions away from Bootes in the direction of the Great Bear." Courtesy of
this website, about the last section of the zodiac of denderah.
Edit number three "The Flower"
From The Da Vinci Code:
"Rosa rugosa, one of the oldest species of rose, had five petals and
pentagonal symmetry, just like the guiding star of Venus, giving the
Rose strong iconographic ties to womanhood. In addition, the Rose had
close ties to the concept of 'true direction' and navigating one’s
way. The Compass Rose helped travelers navigate, as did Rose Lines,
the longitudinal lines on maps. For this reason, the Rose was a symbol
that spoke of the Grail on many levels—secrecy, womanhood, and
guidance—the feminine chalice and guiding star that led to secret
"The Rose has ties to the fivepointed pentacle of Venus and the
guiding Compass Rose. By the way, the word rose is identical in
English, French, German, and many other languages. Rose... is also an
anagram of Eros, the Greek god of sexual love... The Rose has always
been the premiere symbol of female sexuality. In primitive goddess
cults, the five petals represented the five stations of female
life—birth, menstruation, motherhood, menopause, and death. And in
modern times, the flowering rose’s ties to womanhood are considered
more visual... the blossoming flower resembles the female genitalia,
the sublime blossom from which all mankind enters the world."
This is getting fun.
Edit 4: "The Star"
Here we have something on the twelve pointed aspect:
"A twelve-pointed star may be used to represent the twelve tribes of Israel or the twelve apostles. It may also be used at Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas, on which the church celebrates the manifestation of Christ as the Son of God." Hmmm..From this
Also from that website, I have something about the six pointed star.
"The six-pointed star is the Creator's star. Its six points stand for the six days of creation. The points are also said to represent the six attributes of God - power, wisdom, majesty, love, mercy and justice. This star is also known today as the Star of David, and is a symbol of modern-day Israel. The six-pointed star is of ancient origin and is used in many religions with a variety of meanings."
Another theory is the six pointed star is[url=
http://www.watch.pair.com/mark.html the mark of the beast[/url]?
Now, there's something interesting that I find hard to locate, the six/twelve pointed star has a five petal flower in the middle.