I cannot believe some of the appalling lies I read on this thread. It should be clear to everyone by now that the carrot cake haters have an agenda based solely on hate and fear-mongering, and are even willing to exploit sensitive issues such as species extinction, literacy, and Hitler to achieve their goals.
I invite all right-thinking people to visit this link in order to learn what carrot cake
truly means to society. When you read Vernon and Valerie's story, it will be clear to you that carrot cake is a tool of empowerment and community-building, rather than the dark force the carrot cake haters would have you believe.
And finally, Lad, I invite you to take a look at this photo I have taken the liberty of editing so that your poor, feeble, carrot-cake starved brain can understand it:
As you can see here, the "r's" in your picture have been stylized in a creative and intriguing way, probably to emphasize the isolation and unbreachable loneliness of people who don't eat carrot cake. All in all, it's a beautiful comment on the human condition, and I am sorry you were unable to comprehend it.
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"A step in the right direction? It only turns out to be so if you're willing to step much further."
-Samuel R. Delany