i personally think some of those Youtube comments are the funniest thing i've seen for ages my personally favourite just fo the obscurety is, 'horray for Amsterdam'
God is not on the side of the big battalions but on the finest shots
I just have to say that my respect for Daniel has gone way down. How in the world could he do this to Bree?! That's ridiculous, rude, cruel, and a thousand other words. She's going to see this video, and the sh!t will fly. I hope she beats Daniel to a bloody pulp!
Why? Did Bree do something she should be ashamed of?
house wrote:If the order assumes that she broke the chastity/purity bond...then, maybe she's out of the running for Miss Sacrificial Lamb 2007.
haha this just made me laugh really really hard...
I can't imagine Bree will like this video once she sees it... Doesn't seem like a Daniel thing to do, brag about hooking up with Bree in the way and words he did. Hmmm very interesting.
kayokosaeki wrote:regardless, i don't think the order will go away. she knows, they all know, too much
yeah and thats why i think very soon we will have a video where one of them gets attacked by s certain agent of the order, a certain agent wih blue eyes brown hair a british public schools accent and very tight jeans
God is not on the side of the big battalions but on the finest shots
Doesn't seem like a Daniel thing to do, brag about hooking up with Bree in the way and words he did.
It's not bragging! He's telling us what happened just like he's done for the past however-many-months! Is he supposed to just hide it from us? Personally, I think that'd be a pretty immature way to handle it.
(Besides, it's not he said anything that should make her embarrassed, like that they did some roleplaying with Daniel dressing up as Thor or P. Monkey.)
Doesn't seem like a Daniel thing to do, brag about hooking up with Bree in the way and words he did.
It's not bragging! He's telling us what happened just like he's done for the past however-many-months! Is he supposed to just hide it from us? Personally, I think that'd be a pretty immature way to handle it.
(Besides, it's not he said anything that should make her embarrassed, like that they did some roleplaying with Daniel dressing up as Thor or P. Monkey.)
i imagine daniel dressing up more as owen than p. monkey or thor. kinda turtle-ish
Last edited by kayokosaeki on Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Of course he had to tell us. Well someone had to tell us. I think Bree might have been the better choice though unless they are meaning it to come across as it did to alot of us..
If Danny had to be the one to do it, I believe if it was solely for the purpose of letting us know, it could have been said different.
Danny was smirking and practically winking about everything he said. It came across very locker room bragging to me. At least the first part. I was expecting him to be looking for a high five from jonas off screen.
The only part were he comes across sincere about it is when he talking about he hug and then he went right back into the "walk of shame" wink wink mode
~edited because i cant type apparetly
Last edited by Firefly831 on Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.