xrockette19x wrote:that could just be coincidence, with the 23 thing?
There used to be a long tradition (maybe still is, though I'm not much connected to screenwriters any more) of putting the number 23 in various places in TV and film scripts as a subtle reference to the cult classic Illuminatus!, a trilogy of novels by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Since the LG15's Creators are now known to be budding Hollywood types, they could just be following this insider's practice.
Hm-m-m--then again, the Illuminati were an ancient secret society that also might have a religious branch . . .
Clearly, this whole LG thing is making me lose my mind.
You're not losing your mind at all. Robert Anton Wilson was obsessed with Aleister Crowley and most fans of the former are fans of the latter, and the inverse could also be said to be true.
The subject of "The Illuminati" is complicated. The 800-page Illuminatus trilogy is the SHORT version of the story.
NillaWafers wrote:The only thing I know about illuminati is from Dan Brown's novel "Angels and Demons" which is quite interesting but entirely (well mostly) fictional.
Angels and Demons is to The Illuminatus Trilogy and Foucault's Pendulum as Harry Potter is to Lord of the Rings.
And most of Dan Brown's fiction is based on works of existing works of non-fiction. (I don't mean FACTUAL works per se, I mean works written in the genre of non-fiction)
But the Illuminati is definitely not an evil organization that rules the world.
BreeSmells wrote:It would be kind of funny to see us go deeper into this but be way, way off base. However, I think a few things are coming together, strangely.
Aenigmatron, nice work with that and chartreuse is a reddish color like blood right?
I've never heard of those shots, it could be. But wow, that's an extreme thing to do to the girl...
nope, chartreuse is a lime greenish sort of color, nothing like blood. not everything can be bloody!
I read that too. I picture it being like plant juice type color.
Dang guys I was gone for a whole 3 hours, fill me in.
tcandew wrote:ok, I thought Bree didn't discuss her religion outright? why has this changed out of nowhere, and why is she using terms (biblomancy) like we already know what they mean?
she gives us no background and all of a sudden we are supposed to know what this stuff means?
That was EXACTLY my first thought when I saw the Equinox vlog! What is this change in the "rules" all of a sudden?!
Maybe it has to do with the "you are guessing wrong," thing.
Maybe that is what she's refering to, and she's giving us one or two clues to a wide variety of religions.
i don't think they've changed the rules all of a sudden..i mean look back to the cookie contest video....those clues about the date weren't exactly subtle were they?
sungurl wrote:i don't think they've changed the rules all of a sudden..i mean look back to the cookie contest video....those clues about the date weren't exactly subtle were they?
In the sense we're talking about, they were. Those were apparently ratings for the cookies. It wasn't Bree saying something like, "something special is going to happen on this date."
In the Equinox video, Bree's basically saying, "something's going down tonight, and I'm really excited."