0142 - Interrogation 101 [2/28/2007]

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Post by Chelseyrl »

trainer101 wrote:
Chelseyrl wrote:I've never been able to fully grasp all the little subtle hints that are shown.

I.E. someone saying that this video looks like op or somethin...

now i'm not even making sense to myself :roll:
Listen with headphones and you'll hear that it even sounds like an OpAphid video. The question is "why"? I think it's symbolic.

I suspect that Daniel is still brainwashed (maybe since before the abduction) and doesn't even know that he's collecting info for the Order. Jonas is the "babysitter" - a term coined by Tachyon. Both are connected to the Order though I suspect that:
a. Daniel doesn't even know that he is.
b. Neither knows that the other is.

I expect to see a 3 way rift develop. Each character will begin to suspect the other 2.
unfortunately i cannot do the headphones at this moment but i completely spaced about daniel being brainwashed.


anyway, now that you brought that back to my attention it all makes sense...

I kinda am rooting for Jonas to actually be a good guy because i am getting sick of seeing everyone that bree knows turn out to be benedict arnolds.

With that in mind, I can see that Daniel being brainwashed couldve planted the symbol...

for why?

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Post by mellie3204 »

Ok, since everyone has said eveything I already wanted to :lol:
sparrow wrote:Why is Daniel acting so powerless? Come on, son, grow a pair and call Tachyon. Bree is clearly going over the deep end with this, and I don't trust a 16-year-old girl with the weight of somebody's life.
Can't agree more. We need Tachy to come save the day and set these people straight... I'm actually surprised she hasn't seen the last couple of vids and just turned up... she did call them the "teen angst adventure gang" after all, she knows they are volitile and need keeping an eye on...
house wrote:Who the hell died and made Bree Queen of the World?
Seriously, this is the chick who didn't even know what kind of doctor her father was or what he did. This is the same girl who really didn't know her mom enough to know anything about the Order. This is a girl who was clueless beyond the confines of her bedroom. Yet...she's giving Jonas shit for not knowing about every piece of art in his parent's house?? What the hell!?!

Yeah. She had a conversation with her dad... but, that was right before he died. She had no clue what the infinity symbol represented (found in her house) or how it tied to her dad. But, Jonas isn't given the same leeway? I call "bitch!"
:lol: I agree, and yet because of that I kinda understand her reaction... she's confused and on the edge and can't see beyond her own situation. When they realize Jonas is not part of the order, they are going to have some serious sucking up to do. I don't know if even our cool-boy Jonas will be able to forgive them for this, he might just kick 'em out on their ear , he's got every right.

Yet... I have this funny feeling Tachy knows who Jonas is, and put those clues in the gang's way to force it into the open... it might be something that even Jonas isn't completely aware of...

Oh please Tachy, come bitch-slap Bree a bit and make this right!!
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Post by Chelseyrl »

Maybe I am reading WAY too much into this... but I just watched the video again and at the end of the interrogation when daniel shuts the door, it sounds like the door is sliding on squeeky wheels and then right before it cuts to bree, it sounds like garbled audio.

I think also, if I run with the notion that Daniel is still under control, it's no wonder that he won't let Jonas go, because then Daniel could end up being blamed for the symbol.

Man... I need another video.

EDIT: garbled audio/sped up audio
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Post by onsweetavenue »

Honestly I think anger is a natural reaction if Jonas was really the good samaritan. Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do? That shit is infuriating. Especially when you do the opposite. So if he was bending over backwards and risking his life to help bree and daniel and they accused him of killing bree's dad and all that I would be psycho angry if i were innocent.

I hope Jonas IS innocent because this is too predictable. Everyone originally suspected he was evil, and i mean, it's more convincing with Gemma but it's a similar situation and i feel like that is played already. Although I guess we need a new gemma since old Gemma is apparently dead.

yeah, something gave me the feel of opahid. Maybe it was some noise in the background or the lighting or editing.
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Post by onsweetavenue »

Also, I honestly think the order/jonas would be WAY more careful than to leave these objects around the house.

"you're a bitch". hehehe.
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Post by AM »

A few thoughts: Jonas has already admitted that the artwork was his parents' and has always been there as long as he can remember so someone planting it is not a realistic option.

The idea that Jonas is coincidentally connected to the order is ridiculously far fetched. That would be about as plausible as me offering Bree and Daniel help and me turning out to be part of the order. Such a ridiculous coincidence that it would be eyerollingly far fetched.

Think about it: Random fan is part of the order through his family but doesn't know it and that is why he is mysteriously drawn to LG15. He offers them shelter and it turns out his parents were connected to the enemy but he knows nothing.

Come on. Does anybody really believe Jonas is 100% innocent?

He absolutely MUST know something. That's the most logical choice.

I for one hope that he breaks soon. I hope he breaks down and starts giving them information. I hope Bree is somehow vindicated in this.

It would be a big mistake on the creators part not to use this opportunity to help restore all our faith in Bree.

If Bree is way off base and completely wrong she will lose credibility forever. Nobody will ever take her opinions or POV seriously again. She will forever remain the helpless damsel in distress.

I prefer to think of her as Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. Maybe she's crazy but she's right.

However, I seem to be completely in the minority here. *Sigh*
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Post by aideen »

I was practically in tears watching this video. There, I've said it.
Sure, Jonas could be so evil there isn't even a scale to measure it, but all I saw, was a guy who was shit scared about what he had gotten himself into.
I mean, he was almost crying himself. I found myself thinking, what would he be thinking.
Probably something along the lines of, he's taken in these people out of the pure goodness of his heart, offered them a place to stay, friendship, food, etcetera etcetera and then all of a sudden this girl he doesn't really even know, who was playing in the snow with him a few days ago, suddenly ties him to a chair, crazylike, and screams at him for hours. Even Daniel seems freaked out by her.
They could, in all reality, kill him. And in a situation like that, thouse thoughts would go through his head.
If I was Jonas and this was happening to me, I'd definitely by shite-ing myself, and not just because they aren't giving me toilet breaks :/

Shite shit shat shoooo

I need to go mop up my pool of tears now
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots

"Hi! We're here to take you to Six Flags, little girl. But first we wanna tie you up".
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Post by Steph1636 »

All I can say is wow. That had probably the best acting I have ever seen in a video before. Jonas and Daniel fighting was intense! I miss the old friendship they had.

At this point I don't know whether or not to trust Jonas. I don't want to think that he is part of the order, but everything leads him to the order.

Bree, please call Tachyon!!
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Post by DavetheAvatar »

When he was first introduced I didn't trust Jonas. It was just too suspicious for someone to swoop in and save them at their darkest hour.

I've completely changed my mind about him. Jonas can be trusted, it's Daniel that Bree needs to tie up and torture. Jonas is right, he's given them everything, he's stayed with them when they were facing hugely dangerous situations, he's been nothing but a loyal friend through and through. I worry that they won't be able to get over this, that even if they untie him, Jonas is going to leave. Ah well, I guess we'll see.
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Post by Kasdeja »

I was on the fence about Jonas before this video...and I want to believe him in this video. I can't say I'm sure he's good but I'm leaning more that way. However, I can't yet believe that Daniel is bad. I don't know about that symbol. I mean, if it's always been htere....how did it get there? He seemed to cast suspicion on his parents and then disavow it. Something is behind all this, for sure...and I think Daniel should just untie him. The last sentence of the video was pretty 'wow', too. Oh...and where are you guys getting the Op video similarities? Looks and sounds like the normal B&D video to me.
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Post by silvermoon »

I've been growing more and more annoyed with Bree over the last few months. This video just solidifies my hate of her.

Jonas took them in, put himself in danger, lost a car and had to go on the run for them.

So she ties him to a chair??? And while she was out on his deck, drinking his tea in his cup, wrapped in his blanket -- taking it easy --- Jonas is tied to a freakin' chair.

If she thought he was with the Order, why didn't she just leave? If he is with the Order, they would know where Jonas' cabin is? Wouldn't she figure that they would come and rescue him? Does she plan for her and Daniel (who couldn't keep himself from getting kidnapped) are going to take on the entire Order when they show up at their door?

She's lost her mind, she's being a b***h, and I hate her hate her hate her! *stomps foot*

The good news is, Yousef and Jackson did the BEST acting of the entire season, bar none. Simply fabulous. *claps*
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Post by Kasdeja »

I think Bree is bonkers. Daniel needs to step up like he was when they first ran away. He was the protector and the adult then...now he is exactly what Jonas called him...a bitch. Come on, Daniel, snap out of it!
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

onsweetavenue wrote:Honestly I think anger is a natural reaction if Jonas was really the good samaritan. Have you ever been accused of something you didn't do? That shit is infuriating. Especially when you do the opposite. So if he was bending over backwards and risking his life to help bree and daniel and they accused him of killing bree's dad and all that I would be psycho angry if i were innocent.

I hope Jonas IS innocent because this is too predictable. Everyone originally suspected he was evil, and i mean, it's more convincing with Gemma but it's a similar situation and i feel like that is played already. Although I guess we need a new gemma since old Gemma is apparently dead.

yeah, something gave me the feel of opahid. Maybe it was some noise in the background or the lighting or editing.
Its still very interesting..and definately something to be investigated. Jonas could be acting...when he saw a watcher outside of his home and said "is that what I think it is?"---I personally thought he was acting...it seemed too fake and he seemed unsurprised.

Also, if Daniel is still somewhat under the influence of OpAphid, his videos would reflect some of their styles...which could be a direct clue from the Creators...but I think someone also suggested it just might be due to low budgeting.
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Post by Unadrieniel »

frogflute2 wrote:I just watched the new vid. I think that Jonas will say anything at this point to get untied. I thought it was weird when they were drive up to the cabin that he was using the cell phone when he could of just got everything turned on when they got there. I think that Jonas is like in the Order. I think that he has been told to play along with them till it is time for the ceremony and then he is going to figure out a way to trick Bree in to going and doing it. Tricking her so that she doesnt ever know what is going on till she is done with the whole ceremony. And does anyone else think that the ceremony involves cutting Bree in some way. Why else would she be taking all those iron pills before and the shots for lack of iron.
Just more questions then answers.
ok as soon as i read that i immediately thought of something from the ARG from ages ago:

"not all vampires suck blood"

just thought id say
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Post by Unadrieniel »

janesalteredstates wrote:Does this remind anyone of anything? :shock:

:shock: yessum! :shock:

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