My thoughts are it is a cult in the guise of a religion doing scientific experiments in genetics.thinkitthrough wrote:I really like this theory it makes sense to me. The ceromony could be what ties in the importance of a blood line. A blood line that must not end becuase of a prophecy that was made long ago... or something to that nature. any thoughts on this? how does her religion work into it? Or is it purely a scientific study that is being done?minsky wrote:Hmm. The way the parents left with Lucy and the Baldy dude without any struggle bugged me. Then I did some thinking of possible scenarios.
Someone mentioned Bree's Parents look really young and I agree.
I have a theory that may be far fetched but sort of fits with what has been going on lately.
What if Bree's parents are not her real parents.
What if Bree was identified as a baby as being important. maybe born from a previous ceremony where the parents dissapreared for whatever reason.
So the order gets two trusted members of the order to look after her and groom her for the ceremony.
So these two become Bree's parents. Anyway they become attached to thier daughter and concerned for her. Even though their purpose is to bring her up ready for the ceremony.
Bree decides she does not want to do the ceremony and they approach the Order to see if they can get her out it.
The Order gets angry at them because thay have failed in thier mission of preparing Bree for the ceremony and take them away for reprogramming or make them dissappear or whatever.
On the other hand they could be her real Parents and have just resided themselves to the fact that all they can do is go with the order to protect thier daughter.
Just some of my random thoughts.
As some have suggested in the past I think the Bloodline and ceremony tie in somehow to some sort of genetic programming to produce children of certian bloodline/genetic makeup.
As to why they are doing this I have no idea yet.