The place:
Little bit messy.. Looks as she just got out of bed.. Or she having been locked inside all day long.. Teddy bear is on her way to the computer from the door, She jumped over it or walked around it? Either way we are not used to see this carelesness from Bree. Obviously she is not in a hurry since she had the time to fix her nails and then record the video and edit it. So she is either mad or sad or both.
The purple stood out to me....Purple Monkey, purple shirt, purple runner under Crowley shrine.
A girl wearing pink/purple colors is no surprise, however there is a reason for the purple color associated with Crowley's shrine for purple is the color of great magic power, divinity and divine power (remember the Pope of Rome, bishops, etc..) so in a way it means not only respect but adoration of Crowley's fugure.
But "3" candles (I mean the number 3) and the other objects around the candles.. The wooden box.. All that suggest something else: A magic altar where offerings are made in the form of burning candles or incense or other things used for those matters, which are kept in a wooden box for 2 reasons: To preserve them dry for ambient moisture and to conserve their magic attributes. In this case the purple runner would have a slightly different meaning that gives the story a twist for it would mean invocation of the magic power of the person who the shrine is dedicated to: Aleister Crowley.
And that makes sense since Aleister Crowley has probably been the biggest magic practicant of this century.
Now, that do implies that Bree is an active practicant too.. That would mean she is serious and actively involved in her "religion" and that she being called to participate in the ceremony was no coincidence neither was an expontaneous effort made to please her parents.. Rather she really ment to do it.
At this point I feel I have to clarify something: We inmediatly associate words like "magic, offering, altar,..." to something bad, destructive, ugly and so on. Just remember that, for instance, the catholic curch also wears purple and invokes higher power in ceremonies (in a wedding "In the name of god I declare you husband and wife") and not necesarily means something bad.
But getting back to the point.. Magic nowadays is perfomed generally by rich people who "orders" a ceremony with a purpose like proctecting bussinesses, their wealth, their power or to achieve higher suceess. So there is a point in Daniel being watched and taken pictures and Bree's "You do not who are you dealing with" thing.
Jesus! I write too much!
The Person:
Bree to me looks depresed, lacked of motivation or will, she's not a shining star anymore.. She's faded, running out of batteries. I know you are going to laugh about this but if she were my girlfriend I would sit by her and talk to her 'til the end of time if necessary until I find out what is going on with her because seeing her like this would mean to me she is strugling with something way bad and she is making it worse by keeping it for herself.
The Situation:
I'm sorry but it is not believable at this point that Bree cares for Daniel more that she cares for herself, let me put this on another perspective: She is more worried for how she may feel (Guilty, Responsible?) for what Daniel does or what may happen to him that for Daniel himself. And if you think about it thats the way it should be: Did Daniel confess being madly in love with her? Did she ask him to follow her? Did she deserved some more privacy and respect?
Said this I have to admit that I probably would have done just what Daniel did.. I really mean it: I have done something similar in the past.. :-/ (I was young and fool and all that..)
Gee.. Being a man is tough and risky sometimes!