longlostposter wrote: Lastly, the vernal equinox draws ever closer. It's either Tuesday next, or the following one.
from http://www.horusmaat.com/HMLCALENDAR.htmlThe Equinox of the Gods (March 20th) Anniversary of the beginning of the Aeon of Horus declared in 1904, and the date used to formally mark the Thelemic New Year
But I don't know... from Alex's tone in this video, it's sounds like the order have only just begun their campaign of terror, and it sounds like they can keep this up for a while.
I think (as I said above) they are just trying to wear them down until thy have no options but to be on the run forever or do what they say.
Talk about true evil. The best way to have someone under your power is to break them down until they do it voluntarily themselves.