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Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:29 am
by sweetie55
Yoga Bear wrote:
Marilee wrote:was I the only one who thought they removed some organs from Jonas when we first see him in the bathtub?

heh, maybe so. :smt105
I thought that that bad :oops:
Hope not, because I was thinking that too. :oops:
Anyways, when I first heard the end, I thought Bree said "swimming". Too bad it wasn't. :lol: That'd be freaky though, as in it would tie in with the beginning where D&B go swimming.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:29 am
by ifeelcrazybaby
sparkybennett wrote:

Also , did anyone notice that Bree and Daniel ask something to the effect of "who are you?"
Jonas never asks. This is because he already knows exactly who they are .

He was one of them.
wow. you say this with such certainty. seems valid, but i think it is a tad (no sarcasm intended... i really do mean a little bit) early to tell for 100% certainty.

great eye and good catch!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:31 am
by silvermoon
Maybe he did ask who they are...the Order just didn't show that part.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:48 am
melpomene wrote:Did this video remind anyone else of Donnie Darko, you know Frank's voice? ...however, about a million times less scary? Now that's an example of a very creepy but calm voice that can get people to do things.

Anyway, if that voice had been less campy and more scary then I would actually like this video. I just thought it was lame. If that was the order then I'm deeply disappointed.
ok-this is weird...didn't someone have a "Donnie Darko" theory waaayyyyy back at the start of LG15 ?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:57 am
robtomorrow wrote:How come none of the girls have mentioned how hot jonas was or how cute Daniel looked? :?

:wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:07 am
by watermelonhead
oh just quit being a baby and do the darn ceremony

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:15 am
by Mikayla
is anyone else completely confused by this video and have no idea what its all about?:( tried reading all the posts here to understand more but still confusecd

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:28 am
by silvermoon
watermelonhead wrote:oh just quit being a baby and do the darn ceremony
LOL! Yeah! Could it really be that bad? Just get it over with so you can get on with your life.

(if you still have one after it's over, muahahahahahahaa)

Edit to avoid double posting no-no and add:
silvermoon wrote:
Mikayla wrote:is anyone else completely confused by this video and have no idea what its all about?:( tried reading all the posts here to understand more but still confusecd
Order captures Trio ----> Order drugs Trio ------> Order brainwashes Trio -------> Order tell Bree to do ceremony, Daniel to go home, Jonas to...well, nothing really---------> Boys get dumped in bathroom ------> end video.

I don't really think there is much going on here really. Just showing us that they are trying to convince Bree to do the ceremony using nefarious means, and trying to convince Daniel that he can forget about saving Bree and just go home. They are trying to separate the Trio (at least separate Dan from Bree!)

I think this video is just a big set up for what's coming next.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:37 am
by milowent
silvermoon wrote:
watermelonhead wrote:oh just quit being a baby and do the darn ceremony
LOL! Yeah! Could it really be that bad? Just get it over with so you can get on with your life.

(if you still have one after it's over, muahahahahahahaa)
no joke. here's something that seems relevant to this discussion:
hyemew wrote on feb 5 wrote:It would be really funny if the real ceremony was her putting on a robe, the Orderites putting on these scary masques... she's sitting in a very dark room with a light shining down on her, the ghastly figures approach her slowly, lower their masks, go "ooga-boog" a few times and are like ok thanks for the help.
And they're like yeah, sorry but we just really needed to do this, so ok you're free to go.
Bree has a stunned look, the Orderites start talking to themselves like ok see you next week, etc. to each other and walk away. She sits there with a stunned look for another 20 seconds, with the light still shining down on her, alone in the room, and then just gets up and walks away. The end.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:55 am
by kimmycat
I kind of wonder if the reason they didn't tell Jonas to go home, and order him to comply instead is if he is indeed Bree's brother. Then in case Bree doesn't go through the ceremony all the way, they have a backup plan of sorts e.g. if they need her blood, his is pretty close. Daniel in this case is rather useless.

Make sense?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:00 pm
by silvermoon
kimmycat wrote:I kind of wonder if the reason they didn't tell Jonas to go home, and order him to comply instead is if he is indeed Bree's brother. Then in case Bree doesn't go through the ceremony all the way, they have a backup plan of sorts e.g. if they need her blood, his is pretty close. Daniel in this case is rather useless.

Make sense?

I sort of took the fact that they were threatening Bree to him as a sort of "Don't interfere with us, or something bad will happen to her".

Maybe a way of working on the boys through their weaknesses:

Daniel wants to be needed by Bree -- tell her that she doesn't need him anymore.

Jonas is fearful of those he loves getting hurt or disappearing from him -- tell him that if he doesn't go away and leave the situation alone, Bree will end up like his parents.

Just my take on it.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:06 pm
by watermelonhead
I really WOULD like to know what this ceremony is all about... I recall her getting injections (did we ever REALLY figure out why she needed those?) and practicing some sort of walk with Lucy.

I really wish Bree told us WHAT she had to do for the ceremony.. she must have had SOME idea. I mean, are we talking about a college fraternity paddling or a leap into the mouth of an active volcano?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:16 pm
by Ravensnow27
watermelonhead wrote:I really WOULD like to know what this ceremony is all about... I recall her getting injections (did we ever REALLY figure out why she needed those?) and practicing some sort of walk with Lucy.

I really wish Bree told us WHAT she had to do for the ceremony.. she must have had SOME idea. I mean, are we talking about a college fraternity paddling or a leap into the mouth of an active volcano?
For real, I've been fuming about that for awhile, Bree has to know more about this ceremony than shes told us.

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:30 pm
by watermelonhead
Hm.. passed out in a bathtub... mumbling incoherently-- sounds like they had an awesome party the night before!!

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:50 pm
by Languorous Lass
I was disappointed in this vid. I haven't seen SAW, but the ominous voice seemed hugely cliched to me. And for those who thought Jess/Bree was unleashing her inner Tachy, I simply thought that Jess was doing a not-so-hot acting job, and couldn't keep herself from cracking up/smirking during the "torture" scenes.

I couldn't figure out what was going on with the bathroom scenes until I read this thread, so thanks to those who pointed out that the Order has apparently dumped Jonas and Daniel in a hotel room. That explanation makes sense -- and nothing else I can come up with does.

Lots of illogic in this vid. I agree with those who think that an agent wouldn't include the bathroom scenes in a communication with the Order -- unless the agent wanted to show that the boys had not yet gotten themselves together to start tracking Bree down. It also doesn't make sense that the Order wouldn't know what Alex had told Jonas about his parents. I hope this doesn't signify that Alex isn't really part of the Order; maybe it simply means that she's in a different faction from the one that's responsible for the kidnapping. Or maybe it's just sloppy writing.

One thing occurs to me, though: to whoever asked why the Order would resort to kidnapping at this point, when they've been following Bree around for months, I think the answer was provided in the voiceover. OminousMan informed Bree that time was getting short. I think that means that the time when the ceremony must be performed is rapidly approaching, and that the Order has decided that having Bree freely choose to participate is less important than simply having her there.