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Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:46 pm
by LesterG
OOC~ zane, loved the snake reference
Haku:[rousing from his own sleep and the sounds coming from around the dorm, Haku decides to get up out of bed] uhh... god... buddha... whatever... what am I saying...
[shakes his head as if to shake off impure thoughts and remembering his discipline] Now! Where was I? ahh..
[picks up a notepad, walks to his favorite window sil and notices 2 figures walking] ... young love ...
[Haku smiles softly] maybe I'll take a walk for a bit
[notebook in hand, he decides to head out of his room onto the yard and find a nice bench with the perfect ''zen'' inspiration] Nice and peaceful.
OOC~ I feel more like a writer/poet looking for inspirations rather then a monk writing in his journal lol
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:00 am
by LesterG
Haku:[after having watched the sun go down] I think it's time to head in and after I had just woken up
[smirks] one more once I get to my room for the night as well, don't really feel like writing about my two hours of being awake today.
[Haku realizes that he sure does talk to himself alot as he walked into his assigned room] still haven't properly introduced myself to Ms. D, Principal and other yet ... don't want to seem rude, hopefully I'll run into them soon.
[Once again reaching into his robe, Haku lights up another smoke and enjoys the nights' breeze ... suddenly smacking his head] gah! not now ...
[Haku puts out his smoke and wonders if he'll be able to find a place to buy more in the near future] half gone ... something tells me I'll be needing more soon.
[Haku sits on his bed, eyes closed, half meditating, half praying for awhile and then lays down to rest]
OOC~ good night
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:03 am
by watching_watchers
OOC- This SUCKS. o.o;
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:45 am
by VeiwerZane
OOC ~ Why dont we asume Autumn and Jason Found a Nice quite place In the underground to "rest"?
And yeh I loved that line from the trailer. I already replied to your pm so ill leave it at that lester.
And cloud next time were both on we should actualy do the me moveing into the dorm room otherwise im going to just magiacly barge in and already be there and skip the whole thing.
Oh and i belive dramatic irony is the word im supposed to sue for part of my IC post. (so hopes that was the right word). ALso im droping some background plot on the character i came up with last night. and the email adrees was for realismt it doesnt actualy work.
Zane: [
wakes up during the night and imediately opens his laptop to check his emails. Disapointed obviously not reciveing anything he was looking for lays on a the bed thinking about such an idiot he must of looked today in the cafiteria. However he soon dismisses it as he remembers he may not even be here long.
[A while later he checks again finding what he wanted he imdeiatly opens it. However he is not pleased with the responce he had recived. After considering his options he decides on a respone which reads:
Subject: Re, Re, Unintened destination? Prayer school? WTF?
Body: When i Agreed to fly here I thought id be liveing with you obviously Mom still has control over the situation for you to whole hartedly stand by her decision to send me here. Just remember dont expect me to turn into a babbleing freak like moms boyfriend. From the look of this place the entire staff and half the kids are no different from him.
Im sure you already know im not going to just give up and let you and mom win by leaveing me here. Ill Play your twisted little games but dont for a second think this will work. While i apreciate the full schollorship I still do not see why you are supporting her.
After all was done he slung his laptop to the bottom of his bed and began contemplateing on how to play this. He obviously couldnt rely on getting out of it now so the first thing he should do is actualy move into the dorm he was given. As to whether he should get close to the other students but they probably are just babering preachers like his moms friend which just got him more fustrated. He then decides its for the best to keep his cards close and make sure no one else sees them is the best way to go and then manges to fall asleep]
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:28 am
by Marbella
Class is being held today at 4:00 and at 8:00 EST. If there is a low attendance for the 4:00 class, we will have a brief class, but not an hour's length. I hope all can attend. We are learning the ancient angelic evocations!
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:19 am
by RoseCrowley
OOC -Sorry I was confused... I thought I roomed with Maddy, now I realize it said I'm in A4 with Lyra
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:23 am
by VeiwerZane
OOC~ On a similar note the map says B2 cloud but my name says Zane/Viewer Zane (in room C3, Cloud's roommate) . Thats where my mistake came from yesterday
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:32 am
by Marbella
OOC~ We're creating this as we move along. If you want to change it, we can. All we have to do is ask Jo to change the map. Lyra says she's coming back, with limited involvement. So has Gidget, btw.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:38 am
by LesterG
OOC~ btw, marbella? what faction am I in? or is that upon me to decide? like am I literally like a tibetian or shaolin monk? or like a monk of the order?
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:45 am
by VeiwerZane
Zane: [Wakes up and feels he cant realy get any more sleep tonight. He then goes to the sink to splash his face to wipe the sleepy eyes.he then puts his running gear on and decides to go for an early morning run to clear his head. heads outside and goes for a 20 lap run round the school compound]
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:16 am
by LesterG
Haku: [awakening from his sleep, Haku decides to go out for a little stroll around the schoolyard taking a break from his morning exercises then spots a young man on a morning jog and becomes more motivated to change his mind] well... healthy body, healthy mind [Haku begins to run around the grounds as well] hope he doesn't think I'm chasing him, otherwise that'ld be troublesome [Haku chuckles] long as he's not armed ...
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:25 am
by Marbella
OOC~ Haku, you can be whatever sort of monk you choose. To be HoO monk will fit best with the storyline, however.
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:10 pm
by LesterG
Haku:[after Haku's morning exercises, Haku heads up to hit the showers and back to his room for more prayer and journal writing on his favorite window sil]
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:19 pm
by VeiwerZane
Zane: [After finishing his run he lounged on the same bench as the previous day to rest for a while. After a short while looked downa t his watch and relised that it wasnt long untill his first lesson. he then gets up off the bentch and runs off back to the room he was staying in. He quickly runs inside and grabs all his things. He stops at the door and stops to consider a quick shower but dismisses it so he will have more time to settle in at his dorm. While trying to keep hold of all his things he headsdown the boys dorms looking for B2]
Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:32 pm
by VeiwerZane
Zane: [Sees the door with B2 on it] "Gues this the one." [ He slumps all his baggage on the floor and stops for a minute to wonder whetehr he should know or just open up and help himself. Wouldnt want to wake anyone]