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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:36 pm
by watching_watchers
OOC - I guess that works Zane. lol.

Autumn - [Wakes up in the dark next to Jason, sighing softly, happy thoughts of last nights events filling her head. She slowly gets up, trying to not wake Jason, and puts a note next to him this time, reading "See you in class later" and kisses him on the forehead. Slowly she makes her way back to her dorm and gets ready for class later that night.]

OOC - I'll be here for the 8 EST as usual.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:50 pm
by VeiwerZane
OOC~ to explicit to post on :wink:

Zane: [After a moments hesitation he attempts to quietly open the door and drag his stuff inside. As he creeps through the room hes another guy on the bed still asleep. He dumps all his stuff on the other bed and wonders what to do next. He sits on the bed for a second and ponders on how to explain "I just let myself in while you were asleep" When he gets a sudden idea. A great big grin crosses his face and he quietly rumages through his bag untill he finds a pak of postits. And writes a small note detailing.]
Hi The names Zane
Im your roomate
Gota run for 4pmEST Class
Talk to you Later.
[He wonders to himself where he can put it where he will notice And the only thing he could think of was infront of his eyes. So he cafefuly Slaps it on the guys forhead and snakes back out to door to head out again.]

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 2:58 pm
by Marbella
Ms. Divine: Hi Zane! I'm not sure who else is around for class today. I'll see who I can round up, though. We could just do a short, private tutorial. Let's see who's around first.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:02 pm
by Marbella
OOC~ I PM'd a few people. Let's see who else stops by.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:06 pm
by Marbella
OOC~ Zane, I'm sorry no one else seems to have been able to make it at this time. Do you want to do a tutorial? Or do you just want to come back at 8 when you're able?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:06 pm
by VeiwerZane
Zane: ["Looks Like it is just me ill just sit down and wait then"] [Grabs a chair Somewhere in the middle of the classroom Seaming as he has such a "small" choice of places to sit considering the "large turnout"]

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:06 pm
by Marbella
(OOC) It's still a bit early.

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:07 pm
by Marbella
Ms. Divine: Thank you for coming to class so promptly, Zane. Were you able to read the reading assignment posted over the weekend?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:07 pm
by VeiwerZane
OOC~ Id just go with a big brush over of what i missed of lessons passed considering i will never be on that late with the time situation

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:10 pm
by Marbella
Ms. Divine: I will review what we've accomplished in class so far. For our first assignment, each student found their eternal song. The second assignment was to talk about how finding your song affects your goals, hopes and dreams. Have you found your song?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by VeiwerZane
Zane: "I Mostly slept through the weekend With all the jetlag."

OOC classicle me to not read the assignment. *runs over to assignment thread for a fast flick over*

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:11 pm
by Marbella
OOC~ I'll just post parts of it for you, slowly, so we can discuss them. There's no need to run off and read, OK?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:13 pm
by LesterG
VeiwerZane wrote: [He wonders to himself where he can put it where he will notice And the only thing he could think of was infront of his eyes. So he cafefuly Slaps it on the guys forhead and snakes back out to door to head out again.]
OOC~ rofl

Haku:[Catching a couple kids running along the grounds, Haku decides to come out of his room and see what's up] possibly they're late for class [Haku smiles] I should probably take this chance to introduce myself to Ms. D at least. [Haku heads down to find an open classroom with a woman up front talking to the student he had seen running earlier] That must be her.

Haku:[To Ms. D] my apologies for not introducing myself earlier, thought I would take this chance to introduce myself [offers a handshake] and to let you know that I have settled myself into my room. Mind if I hang around the back of the class just to observe?

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:16 pm
by Marbella
Ms. Divine~ Welcome Haku. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. How kind of you to join us here as you deepen your spiritual journey!

Yes, you may observe. At the moment, I'm doing a tutorial with Zane. Later this evening, we should have a larger class again. (at 8 EST!)

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:19 pm
by VeiwerZane
Zane:[Recalls his Moms Boyfriend babbling on about eternal songs]"Oh... well... Eternal song you say?

[Takes a Moment to think on it]
To be strait Out i have not found a song just yet.
In My experience iv listened to many songs and theres always a new one being created. If I Were to have just one song. Would it not get tireing to listen to day after day? eventualy you will just long for something new and exciteing. Perhaps I will eventualy find one. Mybe thats why My parents sent me here.