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Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:35 pm
by kellylen
krisl003 wrote:I don't know if anyone else felt this way...but when I saw the red vehicle pull up beside Jonas I got freaked out! And when it stopped and rolled up the window I thought for sure whoever was inside was going to get Jonas!
omggggggg i thought the same thing!

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:38 pm
by robtomorrow
Wisi Girl wrote:OH MY!!! HA HA HA HAHA!!! Robtomorrow, I know you hate me and you think I have absolutely no sense of humor but that was the most hilarious post ever!!! What made it priceless was kwicherbichen's cluelessness!!! Ha ha ha ha!!! Thanks for that!
I don't hate you Wisi, I'm glad I made you laugh, you see, laughing helps us get though these difficult times. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:58 pm
by Languorous Lass
Wisi Girl wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:
Wisi Girl wrote:Ha ha ha ha! Langorous Lass, I will try not to let this happen, okay? Ha ha! I especially love how you used the word "buttocks"!

Alright, I have to go to class. Bye! Have fun scrambling around the internet and such things in order to explain the stuff on the whiteboard!
Does anybody else think that this chick may be the reincarnation of our old pal glowe? Or at least somebody with a similar "sense of humor"? :roll:

Okay, okay, sorry . . . I'll behave now. :smt012
Look, I realized you were being extremely rude. I don't know why....Why should you care if I think this series is complete crap now? It was totally unnecessary but I decided to be mature about it and respond with a few laughs. I initially wanted to call you a bitch but then I thought, "No, I will deflect her comment by making it into a joke." So, I believe you are the one who is a bit lost. I don't know who glowe is but, then again, I don't know who you are! And you don't know me! You have no clue about my "sense of humor" nor my intentions behind various posts I make. Show some respect. I wouldn't mind if you posted some random comment about how you might abandon this series. So, please stop your callous remarks.
Wisi, I thought you yourself were being extremely rude. However, perhaps I misunderstood your "ha ha" post. I referred to glowe because she was a former member of the forum whose posts sounded very much like your "ha ha" post. The key point: glowe used her posts not to make things into a joke, as you say you tried to do, but to ridicule others on the forum. For some reason she targeted me as the butt of much of her ridicule right before she got kicked off the board, so it's entirely possible that I'm overly sensitive, and am jumping to assume that other people (like you) are doing the same when they have no such intentions. If so, I apologize.

Your original post about the series being "officially shit" bugged the crap out of me because it seemed to dismiss -- hell, to denigrate -- all of the work that many people, including me, had done for the previous 13 pages (not to mention in several other threads) to review the whiteboard, figure out what it said, and determine whether it, or the rest of the vid, contained any additional clues. It sounded like you were saying, "All of you people are idiots for caring" -- whether or not that was your intention. At best, your post appeared to show a lack of consideration of the efforts, and the feelings, of the rest of the people who had enjoyed the vid; at worst, your post seemed to me to be extremely rude.

Rather than taking you on and confronting you about your post, I made my "don't let the door hit you" response. I did so because I assumed you really didn't care about the series or about the feelings of anyone else on the board. Again, it appears that I may have been wrong to make that assumption, and if so, I again apologize.

I do hope that you will try to understand my perspective and the reasons I responded the way I did.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:15 pm
by robtomorrow
I have browsed through the whole thread, I can't say that I read every word, but I can't see if any one has asked the obvious question.

How did they come by this "bunker of the resistance"?

And if they have known about this place, with all these important clues, why have they not gone there before now?

Have I missed something? Was it revealed in "Bree Chat"? Did Madison find another pigeon on her door step with this information in braille converted to Hex?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:31 pm
by Lurker
robtomorrow wrote:I have browsed through the whole thread, I can't say that I read every word, but I can't see if any one has asked the obvious question.

How did they come by this "bunker of the resistance"?

And if they have known about this place, with all these important clues, why have they not gone there before now?

Have I missed something? Was it revealed in "Bree Chat"? Did Madison find another pigeon on her door step with this information in braille converted to Hex?
According to Bree in this video, Jonas found out about it "whilst sifting through some of his parents' papers at that old cabin."

Why it's just coming up now - and why they went to Vegas instead of the bunker if Jonas learned about it as far back as when they were staying at the cabin - is a question I can't answer, though.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:33 pm
by Languorous Lass
Heh. Good question, Rob.

Bree says that Jonas found out about it "whilst sifting through some of his parents' papers at that old cabin."

When the TAAG left the cabin, IIRC, they went to Aunt Alex's. Given what we've seen of Aunt Alex's place and this nasty dirty bunker, which would you flee to if you had a choice?

When they left Aunt Alex's, Bree had been spending time with Tachyon, and I suspect the TAAG were feeling somewhat kick-ass and invincible. So they took off for Vegas under the impression that they could take care of themselves. Which, as we saw, was wronnnnnng.

Even after Vegas, they didn't head for the bunker. Why? Because Daniel still had the hots for -- er, trusted -- Alex, and because the TAAG were hoping to get information out of her about how to track down Jonas's parents. That still makes sense to me.

So now Alex has been snatched by the Order, and the only source of information/protection that seems the least bit attractive has vanished. Now's the time to make that desperation move and go literally underground, where it's filthy and ancient and the beds have springs you can count by lying on your back and there's NO RUNNING WATER, which means you have to crap in a bucket. Bleah. I wouldn't have headed for the bunker either unless I had absolutely no other choice.

Plus -- hey! They have no Internet connection. So how the hell did they manage to post the vid? :smt017

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:48 pm
by bethy
They have no Internet connection. So how the hell did they manage to post the vid?
There are lots of ways. Warwalking, internet cafes, uploading via wireless cellphone connection.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:54 pm
by Languorous Lass
But aren't they underground -- literally?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:01 pm
by Lurker
Languorous Lass wrote:When the TAAG left the cabin, IIRC, they went to Aunt Alex's. Given what we've seen of Aunt Alex's place and this nasty dirty bunker, which would you flee to if you had a choice?
Didn't they go to Alex's because they were looking for Jonas' parents' financial information or something? Because they were trying to find information on the group resisting the Order?

If they wanted to find info on them, why didn't they check out the bunker? That seems like the most obvious place to go first. That, and they should have asked Tachyon sooner as well (Bree didn't even talk to her about it until she decided to take off because she and Jonas weren't getting along).

I'm not really posing this question to you, Lass, so much as I'm positing it to everyone, and your post just happens to serve as a good springboard for it.

Anyway, even if they didn't decide to go to the bunker first, after leaving Alex's, I can't see why they wouldn't have gone there next. Getting sidetracked to Vegas doesn't really make any sense.

I know that the answer, of course, is that the idea for writing in the bunker probably didn't exist either before the characters went to Alex's nor immediaely after leaving, but still. I had to put it out there. If Renegade and I ever do decide to compile all these problems, there's some right there that we have to be sure we don't forget.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 10:04 pm
by Languorous Lass
Lurker wrote:
Languorous Lass wrote:When the TAAG left the cabin, IIRC, they went to Aunt Alex's. Given what we've seen of Aunt Alex's place and this nasty dirty bunker, which would you flee to if you had a choice?
Didn't they go to Alex's because they were looking for Jonas' parents' financial information or something? Because they were trying to find information on the group resisting the Order?

If they wanted to find info on them, why didn't they check out the bunker? That seems like the most obvious place to go first.
Not if they knew that Alex had the financial information they were looking for. (About which I'd forgotten -- thanks for the reminder.)
Lurker wrote:I'm not really posing this question to you, Lass, so much as I'm positing it to everyone, and your post just happens to serve as a good springboard for it.

Anyway, even if they didn't decide to go to the bunker first, after leaving Alex's, I can't see why they wouldn't have gone there next. Getting sidetracked to Vegas doesn't really make any sense.

I know that the answer, of course, is that the idea for writing in the bunker probably didn't exist either before the characters went to Alex's nor immediaely after leaving, but still. I had to put it out there. If Renegade and I ever do decide to compile all these problems, there's some right there that we have to be sure we don't forget.
Well, being the contrary and lawyerish soul that I am, I immediately feel compelled to play devil's advocate and make the argument that supports what the Creators have done here. If you were supporting the Creators, I'd do just the opposite. 8)

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:10 pm
by bluegum
I don't think that cassie makes much sense. Cassie and Bree went to school together, so they lived near each other, and we're both in the Hymn of One, SSSSSSSSSSSSSoooooooooooooo why would cassie be on the board and not bree. Just a thought.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:16 pm
by ericski
if bree was the "9" and alex was the "18" when the whiteboard writing was done, then the other girl (12) would be 20 or so? that would fit maddison.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:20 pm
by Lurker
bluegum wrote:I don't think that cassie makes much sense. Cassie and Bree went to school together, so they lived near each other, and we're both in the Hymn of One, SSSSSSSSSSSSSoooooooooooooo why would cassie be on the board and not bree. Just a thought.
That's the thing, though: Cassie wasn't in the Hymn of One. She was supposed to have been freaked out by the religion.

I guess it's possible that she was kidnapped and they realized that she was perfect for their needs, but she wasn't actually in the religion.
ericski wrote:if bree was the "9" and alex was the "18" when the whiteboard writing was done, then the other girl (12) would be 20 or so? that would fit maddison.
Do we even know what the numbers mean yet?

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:21 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
bluegum wrote:I don't think that cassie makes much sense. Cassie and Bree went to school together, so they lived near each other, and we're both in the Hymn of One, SSSSSSSSSSSSSoooooooooooooo why would cassie be on the board and not bree. Just a thought.
Cassie wasn't in the Hymn Of One, as far as we know. Bree said her religion "freaked Cassie out." Who knows though, maybe Cassie had some skeletons in her closet. The Resistance may have not even known Bree existed.

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:22 pm
by JustAnotherLonelyGirl.
ericski wrote:if bree was the "9" and alex was the "18" when the whiteboard writing was done, then the other girl (12) would be 20 or so? that would fit maddison.
Isn't she like 14?

Sorry, looks like Lurker beat me to both these points.