LordGreystoke422: hi
CrazyInLove6303 is away at 4:05 P.M.
CrazyInLove6303: who is this?
LordGreystoke422: I'll be right here waiting
Auto response from CrazyInLove6303: around here...
gimme a call or leave some love. :]
CrazyInLove6303: who is this?
LordGreystoke422: Daniel
CrazyInLove6303: and how do i know you?
LordGreystoke422: Is this Cassie?
CrazyInLove6303: yes why?
LordGreystoke422: Well I saw your Blog cassie
LordGreystoke422: Ok..bear with me cassie
CrazyInLove6303: ok then.
LordGreystoke422: have you heard of lonelygirl15?
CrazyInLove6303: nope why
LordGreystoke422: Well...expect to be flooded with a FRIGGIN car load of these
CrazyInLove6303: excuse me?
LordGreystoke422: It seems you may have been mistakenly identified as part of a game
LordGreystoke422: Do you know a girl named Bree?
CrazyInLove6303: alrighty then. im alittle confused. no i dont think so
LordGreystoke422: K
LordGreystoke422: then I will go totally out of character
LordGreystoke422: I'll post on the boards for people to leave you alone
LordGreystoke422: If you want to find out what this is about
LordGreystoke422: go to Lonelygirl15.com
LordGreystoke422: hit the forums
CrazyInLove6303: what is this all about?
LordGreystoke422: check out the portion called Cassieiswatching Youtube
CrazyInLove6303: what?
LordGreystoke422: it's too complicated to really explain
LordGreystoke422: We are tracing clues as part of an alternate reality game
LordGreystoke422: you name got noticed
CrazyInLove6303: ok and how did you get my sn?
LordGreystoke422: Cassie in our game is possibly a ghost..or possibly a figment of a guy named franks imagination/psychosis
LordGreystoke422: I am gonna post our convo so people don't bug you..we found you on blogspot
CrazyInLove6303: ok im on the site now what?
LordGreystoke422: click on forums
CrazyInLove6303 returned at 4:11 P.M.
CrazyInLove6303: alright now what
http://lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic ... &start=255
LordGreystoke422: that's the thread
LordGreystoke422: I am gonna post our convo so people don't bug ya