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Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:54 pm
by girlAnachronism
So I posted my stuff on the "Facts" page, but was told to put it here, though this page currently seems irrelevant, but here it is:
Called Ukiah bowling alley. Talked to "Mandy" they have a bar. She'd never heard of anything called Pins'N'Pints. Maybe it would help if we found out which alleys were open when Daniel got wasted?

EDIT: Napa Bowl DOES NOT have a bar.

EDIT: Lakeside Lanes DOES have a bar, but nothing about Pins'N'Pints. (some fun drink names though. They do have drink specials)
EDIT: Everyone else who has called Napa says it does have a bar, so ignore my post...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:54 pm
by Killthesmiley
if you want to complain about someones post, save it until AFTER we recover the drop please, and let the moderators and Operators sort through this stuff.

If you think its sever enough post-whoring by certain people, don't complain here, complain in PM's to the moderators. They'll clean it up and talk to the culprate.

NOW CAN WE PLEASE go back to trying to solve this.

edit - i think people clear this up while i was typing...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 2:54 pm
by Loki
I posted a summary thread with the relevant info weeded out from the fluff of this thread.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:16 pm
by horcruxes
Killthesmiley wrote:if you want to complain about someones post, save it until AFTER we recover the drop please, and let the moderators and Operators sort through this stuff.

If you think its sever enough post-whoring by certain people, don't complain here, complain in PM's to the moderators. They'll clean it up and talk to the culprate.

NOW CAN WE PLEASE go back to trying to solve this.

edit - i think people clear this up while i was typing... of the Operators was trying to get to the forum to check it but they couldn't because it was being overloaded. So how are we supposed to inform them if they can't even see whats going on?

and they were coming to specifically clean up this mess we try and call a thread. i wrote that post because i was told that if i got here before they did to do that to try my best to make sure that the off-topic chatting stops.

this is the last thing i post in regards to this, if you have problems with anything i said. be courteous and PM me (unless your KTS, i don't feel like bickering. so don't bother). this stuff actually does matter to me and i don't want to make it any more difficult for people to catch up.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:26 pm
by pimp monkette
So have we illiminated any alleys, then?

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:27 pm
by Killthesmiley
pimp monkette wrote:So have we illiminated any alleys, then?
not at all. we've gotten absolutely no wheres with the bowling alleys.

(check the alley thread)

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:30 pm
by Lord_Cel
Ok... here are some ideas im just going to throw out there, maybe we need a cell phone or something to find the drop, hence the interference in the video. I think its a long shot, but all you reall would have to do is put a speaker, a small circuit and a battery in the drop envelope.

As far as triangulation we are not going to be able to do that, unless you find a website somewhere that does it for you. you need to be able to time it takes the cell phone signal to reach each of the three towers and return, and we are talking about the speed of sound here so it has to be exact or you would be miles off. Plus we dont have a way to time cell phone signals.

Ok and about why the license is there maybe the girl that he picked up was part of the order swiped it and left it there for op to pick up.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:32 pm
by Killthesmiley
Lord_Cel wrote:Ok... here are some ideas im just going to throw out there, maybe we need a cell phone or something to find the drop, hence the interference in the video. I think its a long shot, but all you reall would have to do is put a speaker, a small circuit and a battery in the drop envelope.

As far as triangulation we are not going to be able to do that, unless you find a website somewhere that does it for you. you need to be able to time it takes the cell phone signal to reach each of the three towers and return, and we are talking about the speed of sound here so it has to be exact or you would be miles off. Plus we dont have a way to time cell phone signals.

Ok and about why the license is there maybe the girl that he picked up was part of the order swiped it and left it there for op to pick up.
plus we don't know which cell phone signal to look for so it's a dead end...

everything with this so far leads completely to dead ends. It's too wierd. We're missing something.

If this is really a drop, which we're pretty sure it is, there is a piece missing. There is a clue we're either not getting from Op's side, or we jsut ahven't figured it out yet.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:36 pm
by stardust711
i agree with whoever raised the question of why Op would leave the ID where she found it at the bowling alley. just because daniel said he left it there doesn't mean she didn't leave the drop somewhere else...

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:37 pm
by Yoga Bear
nobackspacebutton wrote:Here's a screencap of the map, sorry if someone got to it before i did =P: Image
Text at the bottom reads “triangulation signal.”
nobackspacebutton wrote:here:
Why are these triangles such different shapes? Op has Napa way off.

We need to figure out what city that marker is really on.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:40 pm
by girlAnachronism
I think it could just be the angle of the map.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:41 pm
by Ruberic
I agree with Yoga. The triangulation markers are completely off. The triangle is too, well, to perfect. The cities indicated on Oppy's map are in no ways actually there.

EDIT: because my post was snarky, and didn't mean it to be. I'll blame it on the migrain....

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:42 pm
by pimp monkette
Yoga Bear wrote:
Why are these triangles such different shapes? Op has Napa way off.

We need to figure out what city that marker is really on.
I think it's just the angle difference with the different views of California. The map one is more bird's-eye and Op's is more at a slant.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:43 pm
by Danielle
The Triangle

I had an idea while watching the video, could this whole triangle be Daniel's route?

NAPA First Point
-Possible start location of journey? Bree and Daniel's home.
-When the route follows back here, it could represent when Daniel fled back home.

Dillon Beach Second Point
-Area where Bree and Daniel took off to when they first ran away?

Willits Third Point
-Possible location of Jonas' home? The reason the signal gets so strong there is because that is where Daniel is, or where Op is watching.

copypaste action ftw

EDIT: Operating off of the idea that they are near Willits, we should hit up those alley's first.

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:48 pm
by Yoga Bear
ahh you guys are right!

I see now the angle is the bad :oops: