i have no clue what my IQ is and i dont think i need to know...Marbella wrote:Cloud, I think you're brilliant. Creativity cannot be measured on an IQ test, and Einstein himself said, "Creativity is more important than intelligence."
My verbal IQ is on the genius level. My "performance IQ" is straight normal, right at 100. I have severe deficits in areas like visual memory and physical coordination, however. That is why I get so mercilessly confused with so many of these videos.. but whatever our excuse..
as a community, we eventually work it all out.
Oh, and Jess... Now, I don't think the video incriminates Jonas..but a lot of the info Rosie uncovered DOES, I believe.
(I hope she checks in and sees that!)
im not smart but i have excellent had eye coordination.
if you throw somthing at me i can snach it right out of the air. even somthing as small as a marble being thrown at full speed...