Enid wrote:You should also consider that this person may not be affiliated with CIW. His life is a bit intense and I would hate to hurt his feelings. However blogs are for everyone to read, you wouldn't put one up if you didn't want it read.
Yeah right and then all the ninjas and the pirates and the explosions and the presidents flew into space and attacked the moon....
Come Enid 'fess up what do you know? Seems a bit of a coincidence you just happend to find that blog site, hmmmmm?
This entire cassieiswatching series is NOT a part of the LG15 series.
Enid wrote:You should also consider that this person may not be affiliated with CIW. His life is a bit intense and I would hate to hurt his feelings. However blogs are for everyone to read, you wouldn't put one up if you didn't want it read.
assuming that this is tied it w/ cassie ... well, we may have been on the right track w/ the multiple personality deal, but maybe it's not bree who is split. maybe cassie is frank. frank is a "host" if you will? i dunno. very intriguing stuff regarding the loss of memory he writes of.
I don't think all the posts should be moved from the picture thread that are there already. They are fine in the picture thread..for heaven's sakes, it's the answer to a clue in the picture we were given, so those posts are on topic in that thread. Just make new posts in this thread.
maygsters wrote:One of his interests is video, lol. Plus one Oct 1st at dawn he sensed he knew what she wanted. His astrological sign is cancer (far reach I know)...
I think this goes more towards the idea of Cassie as some sort of ghost or spirit - she's communicating with us as directly as she can, but has somehow formed a closer bond with this Frank person and can speak to him. Maybe she was bonded to Bree before but something to do with Bree's religion casted her out...? Or turned her all ghosty? This is stretching I guess.