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Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:59 pm
by Slainte
My apologies to sugar magnolia


Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:06 pm
by sugarmagnolia
Slainte wrote:My apologies to sugar magnolia


aww, thank youuu.
it's all gravyyy.
bisquits and.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:33 pm
by Luv2Skydive
Slainte wrote:My apologies to sugar magnolia

Glad to see you didn't delete yourself! :D

i was hoping

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:57 pm
by glowe126
I was hoping she would. I don't think Slainte truly understands the way a soldier must feel 12 hours a day on patrol knowing that the situation in the "gross" avatar could happen to him. Just because you find something offensive, doesn't mean people will change it for you. I think you are gross and offensive and should change yourself or delete yourself. But I won't get my way. I scrolled through the pages honestly thinking you had gone. When I saw the lame roses, I was so disappointed.

Sorry, if opinions are welcome, then I will voice mine. If you don't want to be part of immature fun, then go to the VH1 series message boards. Stay out of lonelygirl15 and for god's sake stay away from that party thread.

(And I like the Gemma idea. That would be funny.)


Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:00 pm
by glowe126
Honestly, someone had to start a whole new threat because of your complaints. this is not about you -- it's about the series.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:46 pm
by Pylopheit
Now I'm just really curious as to what the original avatar was...I'd never noticed it.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:47 pm
by subucni
It was of president bush getting his head blown off! It was FREAKIN' AWESOME :twisted:

Re: honestly

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:36 am
by Languorous Lass
glowe126 wrote:Honestly, someone had to start a whole new threat because of your complaints. this is not about you -- it's about the series.
Huh? slainte started the thread his/herself.

I agreed with your remark in the original thread, but I don't understand your point here.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:25 am
by MrsCop
I always thought it looked like a jack o' latern. Does it mean that I'm a horrible person if I can tell the diff between fruit exploding and the real deal? :oops:

new topic

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:23 pm
by glowe126
Yeah, she brought this up in another forum and when i said I wasn't offended by the avatar she thought was offensive, she came here. And started a whole thread about her and her feelings.

It's really not important. Every time I find a good avatar, I get an email saying I need to resize it. then i go into the forum, and everyone else's is like twice as big.

I need to make more friends with the forumites on high.

my feelings

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:24 pm
by glowe126
My feelings on the issue:

I hope one of her family members or her gets their head blown off in Iraq. Maybe she won't mind the avatar as much when she's dead.

Re: new topic

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:48 pm
by MrsCop
glowe126 wrote:Yeah, she brought this up in another forum and when i said I wasn't offended by the avatar she thought was offensive, she came here. And started a whole thread about her and her feelings.

It's really not important. Every time I find a good avatar, I get an email saying I need to resize it. then i go into the forum, and everyone else's is like twice as big.

I need to make more friends with the forumites on high.
Same shit with sigs... there are the 'haves' and the 'have nots.' And then there are those who were unfairly robbed of their sigs. Yeah, yeah, I get the lag issues, etc.

Seriously, how DO you 'higher ups' decide who gets to have a sig and who doesn't? Are there rules re: size & what not? Please educate.. :-k


Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:02 pm
by glowe126
Hey, Mrs. Cop, do you have any good ideas for an avatar?

i found this

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:05 pm
by glowe126

I think i'm goign to try here.

am i talking to myself?

yes, I am

do i want to shave my nuts?

no, I don't.

I like you Glowe126.

I like you too.


Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:49 pm
by twjaniak
This thread has made its point. I'm locking it now.