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Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:25 pm
by nobackspacebutton
Actually, its not a second storyline really. Its all part of the original storyline. In all actuality, everyone should watch ALL the videos because it shows the viewpoints of all the characters...Tachyon, Brother, and ESPECIALLY (more importantly) OpAphid..

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:58 pm
by Logan
People who've subscribed to the feed got everything they needed to catch up.

I never watched a single OpAphid video until "Miss Me?" - I knew at the time I didn't have any to devote to the ARG - and then afterward and reading up on LGPedia for five minutes I was set.

The last video making Op a primary character is compelling enough to make people want to see more. They want to see more videos. It's not a passive medium like TV where they just sit back and watch. Even with subscriptions, people had to have sought it out.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:30 pm
by Kasdeja only takes a few to watch all the videos...and honestly, I think you could just start watching the Op/Tach vids as they show up and still be o.k. in the storyline. I think it would be more laborious to read up in the LGPedia than to watch a few videos. I don't really do much more than dabble a bit as far as the ARG goes...the PMs are on a different time schedule than I am so it's usually pretty well done by the time I come in...but I'll say that watching the videos has made the stalemate of LG15 much more interesting.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 2:32 pm
by Kasdeja
Starryeyedgirl09 wrote:I have heard this complaint alot around here but let me just tell you that I know some people are stressed about having to go back and watch all the vids from OP, Tachyon and Brother (10033 on You Tube), but let me just say, that like Trainer said, you don't have to play the game, but I strongly suggest that you check out those vids. I know it's alot to watch but you're missing some good chunks of plot if you're not watching them.
Exactly, people wouldn't stop watching if we got a new character like Gemma or Jonas...what's the difference between watching those character videos and watching Tach and Op as character videos? It's not that much to watch...the videos are never that long and they are many times much more interesting visually than LG15 foosball.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 6:15 pm
by Beckers
a lot of people are not into solving puzzles...they just want to follow the storyline.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:12 am
by colorofsakura
Beckers wrote:a lot of people are not into solving puzzles...they just want to follow the storyline.
Again, you don't have to solve the puzzles at all. Just take the video at face value. Please.

Daniel was kidnapped, he's obviously been brainwashed or something by the Order and they're trying to get Bree to cave. That's all the "Miss Me" video was meant for the casual viewers. Where in that did you get you had to work on the puzzles?

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:27 am
by onsweetavenue
When I first really got into this show (which was much later than most of you) and watched all the lonelygirl episodes (on youtube, haha) I actually found that I had some more questions. I wanted to know more basically about the cult and I found that op and tachyon helped a lot as well as the whole back story to everything.

It helped me understand on a deeper level. I didn't play the ARG and I still don't know all the details, but I feel like it helped me get more interested.

I wasn't very interested in proving science wrong on any more than a "waste of time" level.

So I hope the same will happen to other people in a like situation.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 2:07 am
by exanimatebylove
Eh...I WAS really confused until you guys helped clear up some of my confusion yesterday. I have somewhat better of an understand as far as OpAphid goes and Brother and all that stuff. I don't think I'll participate in all that clue finding and whatnot because well, I'm just not very good at that sort of thing. But, I really don't think I or anyone else for that matter who has been watching this from day 1 could just stop watching now. It's way too far into the story line and by now Bree and Jonas and Daniel are like our friends...ya know? So yeah...I'm here for good. lol. And if I ever get confused, I'll be bothering you all with questions. lol. :)

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 5:09 am
by ShardinsKitten
Yea I have to agree with some, I don't even think you would have to go back and watch all the videos, most the important facts were let out in the main LG story line, even if you wanted to, it's a handfull of videos that are at max like 4 mins long. But i don't think you need to. The two had to combine at some point, or the plot would go no where.

The puzzles are completely separate you don't have to solve, see them, help solve them or anything to understand OPs videos. You don't have to help with drops or anything. Maybe at the very least, Op likes to put reverse audio at the end of her videos, usually the ARG players have the translation posted fairly quickly after the video gets posted, and all you'd have to do is pop in that side of the forum and read what it was. But even that I don't see you needing to do.

I hear people complain about the wait for the videos all the time, and wanting to get them faster. Which it perplexes me that now you're complaining when a new character is put up which could potentially mean more vids more often. *shrugs* it's not like a half hour tv show, they are only a couple mins long. Should relax and give it a chance, you may enjoy it even more now.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:49 am
by loobylou
I'm no good at solving puzzles, but I love to read the solutions!!!

If the ARG stopped, I would stop watching LG15 - I just don't think it would hold the same interest for me anymore.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 7:53 am
by silvermoon
The lg15 and Oppy videos seem to be converging. I chose not to watch the Oppy/Tach/Brother videos for a variety of reasons, but mostly because the Creators had said that you didn't need to in order to follow lg15.

I admit I feel a little mislead about that. Now that they are converging, it seems like you need to follow the Oppy stuff to really know what's going on.

Obviously if Oppy has Daniel, you need to know who Oppy is! I'm sure what everyone is saying is true -- it'll be easy enough to go to the Aphipedia and catch up enough to know what's going on.

The point is...we weren't supposed to have to. As exciting a turn as this could prove to be, I almost feel like there is too much effort needed to catch up at this point.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 8:23 am
by nobackspacebutton
Its not that anyone was misled. At first, The Creaters didn't know that OpAphid was going to become such a large role in the LG series.

I agree with everyone one would stop watching if another character appeared--like another Gemma--even if they had to catch up on several videos.

I think everyone looks at OpAphid and gets overwhelmed. No one has to solve puzzles...just watch the video and if you'd like, go to AphidPedia and read the solutions. That will keep you updated.

Its nothing hard and just adds more depth into the LG world. It will give you viewpoints from the Order, not just from Bree, that way it will help you choose what side to take and how to help the characters.

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:05 am
by silvermoon
Respectfully, I have to disagree. We were misled. Perhaps not misled on purpose, but we were misled.

And it's not about the fact that I'm feeling overwhelmed about the puzzles -- heck, they've all been solved! But having to retrace my steps and go back and watch/read about something that I didn't want to be involved with in the first place.

Will I drop out of the "breeniverse"? Probably not. Most likely I'll haul my butt over to the Aphipedia and Trainer's thread and read what I've been actively avoiding all this time (because I was told that I could).

This doesn't discount the fact that I feel a bit peeved (I almost wish I had dropped out when they converged in the first place).

Nor does it discount that I have the right to bi*** and moan and stomp my foot for a day before I buckle down to read about that darn Opaphid!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 9:26 am
by Steph1636
I am actually kinda glad that they added these videos to the site. I never really understood the whole OpAphid ARG, and didn't think it was that important. But when they added them, I decided to watch all the videos, and now it all makes sense! And just last night I spent 2 hours catching up on things at AphidPedia, and now I am hooked!

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 10:33 am
by Beckers
silvermoon wrote:Respectfully, I have to disagree. We were misled. Perhaps not misled on purpose, but we were misled.

And it's not about the fact that I'm feeling overwhelmed about the puzzles -- heck, they've all been solved! But having to retrace my steps and go back and watch/read about something that I didn't want to be involved with in the first place.

Will I drop out of the "breeniverse"? Probably not. Most likely I'll haul my butt over to the Aphipedia and Trainer's thread and read what I've been actively avoiding all this time (because I was told that I could).

This doesn't discount the fact that I feel a bit peeved (I almost wish I had dropped out when they converged in the first place).

Nor does it discount that I have the right to bi*** and moan and stomp my foot for a day before I buckle down to read about that darn Opaphid!
I feel the same thing as you about the whole thing but I am still not going back and looking into all the's not worth my time honestly...and if the series stops making sense because of it then I just won't be watching anymore.