The rose (Latin, rosa, in Greek, rhodon) also is a symbol that has a rich and ancient history. And like the cross, it can have paradoxical meanings. It is at once a symbol of purity and a symbol of passion, heavenly perfection and earthly passion; virginity and fertility; death and life. . . It is a symbol of transmutation - that of taking food from the earth and transmuting it into the beautiful fragrant rose. The rose garden is a symbol of Paradise. . . ancient Rome, roses were grown in the funerary gardens to symbolize resurrection. . .
The rose has also been used as a sign of silence and secrecy. The word sub rosa "under the rose" referring to the demand for discretion whenever a rose was hung from the ceiling at a meeting. In the Mysteries roses were sacred to Isis. It is also the flower of her son Harpocrates or younger Horus, the god of silence.
Numerologically, the rose represents the number 5. This is because the wild rose has 5 petals. And the petals on roses are in multiples of five. Geometrically, the rose corresponds with the pentagram and pentagon. . .
This is from a Masonic website
Everything keeps leading back to the Masons.
It was very easy to find. I googled "rose five pentagram"
I think if some took time to look around the Religion threads, this one wouldn't need to be in existence.
So true!
This is the thread where I posted a link to the wikipedia article on sopdet: ... c&start=15
Sopdet is a star which Bree mentions in her vlogs as she prepares for the ceremony.
Here is a quote from the article:
In Egyptian mythology, Sopdet was the deification of Sothis, a star considered by almost all egyptologists to be Sirius. . . Just after Sirius appears in the July sky, the Nile River begins its annual flood, and so the ancient Egyptians connected the two. Consequently Sopdet was identified as a goddess of the fertility of the soil, which was brought to it by the Nile's flooding. This significance led the Egyptians to base their calendar on the heliacal rising of Sirius.
The fact that Sopdet is a goddess of fertility and the soil, to me, explains the wheat. Wheat is a symbol for Demeter or Ceres too.
Rosencrantz: Another curious scientific phenomenon is the fact that the fingernails grow after death, as does the beard.
Guildenstern: What?
Rosencrantz: Beard. . . The toenails, on the other hand, never grow at all.