Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 10:30 pm
This is why you should ALWAYS use protection.hamovbala4ever89 wrote:............yeah im sure that was hilarious.........random ppl laughing bout random stuff.....................whatever
Forum to post messages about Bree and Danielbeast
This is why you should ALWAYS use protection.hamovbala4ever89 wrote:............yeah im sure that was hilarious.........random ppl laughing bout random stuff.....................whatever
sweeny todd, anyone..?GregGallows wrote:
I gave it to Lucy, she likes to make pies.
its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is blissLurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
I know. O_o *Trying to find what's so interesting that happened, lol*Spades wrote:Oh wow.
I leave for a few hours and this thread is 20 pages long when I get back.
Lurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
That would have sounded better if you had spelled 'IGNORANCE' right. But I'll admit, I shouldn't pick on people that aren't as intelligent as I am, and I apologize.hamovbala4ever89 wrote:its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is blissLurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
I just read over that, but thanks for informing me in case I overlooked. I wonder if it was for real. At this point, we have nothing to go on and it sucks.SARAHPHOBIA88 wrote:You missed it! A participant was here! But she has been silenced!
hamovbala4ever89 wrote:its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is blissLurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
The_CW wrote:That would have sounded better if you had spelled 'IGNORANCE' right. But I'll admit, I shouldn't pick on people that aren't as intelligent as I am, and I apologize.hamovbala4ever89 wrote:its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is blissLurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
I think she is for real...someone who is trying to play with us...would keep feeding us. Right hamovbala4ever89?Lurker wrote:I just read over that, but thanks for informing me in case I overlooked. I wonder if it was for real. At this point, we have nothing to go on and it sucks.SARAHPHOBIA88 wrote:You missed it! A participant was here! But she has been silenced!
Yeah, I'm the childish one. I'm gonna be the bigger person and walk away now.hamovbala4ever89 wrote:stop the childish *stuff*, im sure ur a genius, and everyboy knows it..... ...sure flaunt it around.........nobody likes IGNORENSE@!!!!!!!!! YES I SAID IGNORENSE!