Lurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is bliss
You DID try to do the same thing to people in IRC...
honestly, mine was a joke, and people who were on knew that ......
hey guys...tried to read through most of this topic...saw the posts from the one girl (?) who went...freeeeaky! Dying for more info. What IRC room are people discussing in??
"Official Stalker" of the Elendi-Waffle Lonelistic Physics Research Institute (EWLPRI)
hamovbala4ever89 wrote:stop the childish *stuff*, im sure ur a genius, and everyboy knows it..... ...sure flaunt it around.........nobody likes IGNORENSE@!!!!!!!!! YES I SAID IGNORENSE!
Yeah, I'm the childish one. I'm gonna be the bigger person and walk away now.
there would b nothing to walk away from if ppl didnt keep addint fuel to the fire..........................
Lurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is bliss
That would have sounded better if you had spelled 'IGNORANCE' right. But I'll admit, I shouldn't pick on people that aren't as intelligent as I am, and I apologize.
stop the childish *stuff*, im sure ur a genius, and everyboy knows it..... ...sure flaunt it around.........nobody likes IGNORENSE@!!!!!!!!! YES I SAID IGNORENSE!
Fucking a*****e.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.
Lurker wrote:Are we so bored in waiting that we have to make a running joke of the same insult reworded over and over about a specific person? Not seeing the necessity in this.
its ok, let people say what they will.......let them laugh all they want...ignorense on their part is bliss
You DID try to do the same thing to people in IRC...
honestly, mine was a joke, and people who were on knew that ......
People didn't think it was funny. That's why you got kickbanned, Sweets.
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey!
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey!
I leave for a few hours and this thread is 20 pages long when I get back.
I know. O_o *Trying to find what's so interesting that happened, lol*
I got to page 16 and nearly cried. No offense to those that were here, lol, I know you were just trying to kill time. It was pretty entertaining though.
Anything happen past page 16?
I like music, a lot. And yea, that's it.
Oh ****, forgot about beer.
And I listened to that song, and it sucked. No offense.