Thank you Go-Go again for your kindness, you are clearly a lady of breeding and society. It is often said that the most genteel person is the one to make certain everyone feel they are welcome. Dr. Bigbootie your reputation precedes you. Your work at the GRC is impressive and known throughout the world. The commentary on the 10th dimension is extremely helpful in understanding space travel.
I was surprised by the moderators reminder about the rules of etiquette. I had just commented on how kind everyone here seems to be.
I observe however that your friend Milo seems to have some sort of prejudiced against gayliens and monkeys - how irrational!. I knew a young man named Milo once, very talented and very handsome unfortunately he succumbed to the insanity that had always lurked barely beneath the surface of his otherwise orderly mind. Tragically he now sits blowing spit bubbles hour after hour. The beetle love fellow seems a little brash as well, fairly difficult to understand at times. I am not sure what he is ranting about. .
None of this is my concern however and I suppose one should keep ones mind to ones own business.
As for being far-fetched - again, there are some theories being tossed around that seem a little more farfetched than hose I see here.
I returned to the thread today because the talk of Illuminati intrigues me. I've been warned of this menace form early childhood and believe the group to be very real. Your own dollar bills bear the markings of their influence and. I think nothing would please them more than to co-opt the gaylien population, their wisdom and technology.
Perhaps the most difficult part of unmasking the Illuminati is that by the time there existence is mentioned they have no doubt taken steps to preclude discovery. The ability of the gaylien to avoid discovery would likely be sought by the elusive "gang of seven"
I have taken too much of your time already I see. Brevity is key. If you have not had the chance to hear Bigbootie's presentation on the 10th Dimension may I suggest you do so at your earliest convenience. It is at the bottom of the first page of the Institute's web site
Gort! Klaatu. Barada nikto